The Grif Reaper

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Fade in to a view through a sniper rifle that's moving jerkily and randomly

Church: See him there? Right there, the yellow one.

Caboose: The one next to Simmons? That's Grif.

Will: Grif isn't yellow Caboose.

Caboose: Of course he is Dill.

Ava: Caboose he's the color of orange juice.

Caboose: No orange juice is orange Grif is yellow.

Church: The other yellow one. Dumbass.

Caboose: Oh, that new yellow person, y-oh yes of course, yes. Uh, he looks very scary. Yes and uh, I know that because I am looking right at him, right now, yes. He is yellow. This is very interesting.

Church: *sigh* You don't even see him, do you.

Ava: How do you that's a guy.

Church: Who cares Ava.

Caboose: Yeah, I don't-- I don't even know how to use this thing.

Church: Oh man, this is no good. Yellow armour. What does yellow armour mean, is that like some kinda... special ops guy or... man, this can't be good for us.

Will: Hopefully the new one is as dumb as Caboose .

Caboose: I am not dumb.

Church: It would be great if the new one is as dumb as Caboose that way there is team killing.

Caboose: What if it's a new gun.

Church: What? Why am I even talking to you, it's a person! In yellow armour! We already established that!

Caboose: Oh, now wait, maybe they got their own medic.

Church: A medic? Caboose. We're not that lucky.

Will: We really are not.

Cut to Doc with a noticably larger baby alien

Doc: See, my suit is purple. Can you say purple? Pur?

Baby Alien: [Pur]

Doc: Pull.

Baby Alien: [Pull.]

Doc: Great! Once we learn all the colours, we'll learn why you shouldn't judge people by them.

Cut back to Church and Caboose

Church: Yeah, that guy is definitely some kind of special forces. Probably trained in, knives or... ball-kicking or somethin'.

Will: Alex told me Tex has kicked Grif in the balls about five or four times.

Church: Figured she did that to people she hated in basic.

Caboose: Maybe he's an alien.

Church: An alien that looks just like the rest of us?

Caboose: And that is the scariest kind of alien.

Church: Why are you, even here, it would be easier for me to just call random people on the phone, and talk to them about this. They would understand the situation better.

In the background, Tucker emerges from inside the base and approaches Church  Will Ava and Caboose.

Tucker: Uh, whudldldluh. Bludludldldlah.

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