Missed Directions

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Fade in to Tucker wandering around outside the Blue Base

Tucker: Junior... Junior! Hey Junior, where'd you go?

Junior: [Here.]

Tucker: There you are.

Junior is inside the base.

Junior: [What is it father.

Tucker: You little rascal.

Junior: [What]

Doc: (from around the corner) Okay Sister, any other conditions I should know about?

Sister: Uhm, let's see, you know about all the ways I'm contagious, so I don't know if there's anything...

Tucker walks toward the voices and sees Sister's armor lying on the ground without her in it

Tucker: Hey, what's going on here?

Sister: Oh! I'm colorblind.

Doc: Really? That's weird. But I don't think it'll cause any problems here. Okay, go ahead and bend over.

Sister: Sure. Like this?

Doc: Hwhoa, yeah! You're really limber. And in really great shape.

Sister: Hyeah I am.

Doc: I'm not playing against you in Twister.

Sister: Check this out.

Doc: Wowzers. I didn't even know a leg could bend that far. That is a leg, right? Okay. Oh and by the way, sorry if my hands are cold.

Sister: That's cool. Sorry my body's a little hot.

Tucker: Hey do you guys need any help in there?

Sister: Huh? Is someone spying on us? Yessss. Hot.

Doc: No, we're good. Hey, Sister? Do you want me to turn up the heat or something? You look like you're...

Sister: Eh. I'll be okay. Hard nipples won't kill you.

Tucker: I could just walk around this corner if you need me to. It wouldn't be a problem.

Doc: We got it! Hey sorry I got you all wet before. I don't even know how that bucket of baby oil got up on that shelf. That was weird.

Sister: That's okay, I think it'll actually help. Squeezing these puppies in to the armor can be a little difficult.

Tucker: Maybe I should just look in there and see if there's anything I can do.

Doc: No thanks, Tucker, maybe they need your help with the tank instead. You'd probably be a lot more valuable out there. What we're doing in here is pretty routine- hey, are you double-jointed?

Sister: Hyeah.

Tucker: Great.

Junior: [what are they doing]

Tucker: Don't rub it in.

Junior: [what?] 

Cut to Sarge, Alex Simmons and Donut roaming the vast underground cave

Simmons: Come on, Grif should be right over here.

Alex: It looks like he's alive.

Donut: Don't listen to him Sarge, there just tryin' to score more drugs to keep thermhabit alive! Remember last month when he asked for more money? It was for drugs!

Red Vs Blue season 5 male ocWhere stories live. Discover now