Where Credit Is Due

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Fade in to the Blues

Church: You want us to turn her back on again? After we just went through all that trouble to shut her down?

Caboose: But she said she knows where O'Malley is.

Will: Ya no I don't want to be blown up.

Caboose: But she knows where O'Malley is maybe even where XI is.

Church: Maybe she was lying. How could she possibly know that? What do you think Tex, can we turn her back on again? Disable her guns or somethin'?

Tex: Not a chance, she's a wreck back here. I'm not even sure how she was operational anyway.

Caboose: Oh, I know, uh, we could put her inside my head! Like O'Malley. I've got lots of extra room in there.

Will: Makes sense 

Ava walk's over to the grup

Church: Yeah, I bet, and, no. She's not that kind of A.I.

Ava: What's this about.

Caboose: Sheila knows where O'Malley and possibly XI could be.

Will: But we can't turn her back on 

Tex: We could turn her on but she  would have to be moved over, if we had a similar class of vehicle.

Church: Yeah, if only we had some other kind of big vehicle that we could move her in to. We can't use the warthog 'cause that doesn't have anything... Wait a minute. Tex... the ship? Could we move her in to one of those on-board computers?

Will: The one Sister came in and crushed Donut with.

Ava: That makes sense.

Tex: If we set up a hardline, yeah, I bet we could do it.

Tucker comes running out of the base

Tucker: Church, wait!

Church: Huh?

Tucker: Church hold on a second I've got something to tell you!

Church: Tucker what, what is it?

Tucker: I just wanted to say, I got a hardline Tex can use. Bow chicka bow wow!

Ava: Gross Tucker.

Tex: How did you even hear that?

Tucker: Pff! I'm like Superman, I know when I'm needed. 

Will: Who cares if you have a sixth sense for bing a pervert.

Tucker: Well my sixth sense can sense other things I am good at like finding a pare of great angles. Bow chicka bow wow!

Ava and Tex turn to Tucker and punch him Cut to the Reds in the cave, with Grif shaking off the effects of having been forcibly unconscious

Sarge: Shake it off, you big orange baby, what happened to you?

Donut: He's been chasing the dragon.

Alex: Shut up Donut.

Simmons: Donut, shut up, he was drugged just like me and Alex.

Donut: That's what I'm saying! He fell off the wagon, and shook hands with the Devil!

Alex: Donut stop!

Red Vs Blue season 5 male ocWhere stories live. Discover now