Same Old, Same Old

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Fade in to Caboose listening to Church from inside Sheila.

Church: Haha yeah! Hey it worked! I can't believe Caboose came through! How ya like that Wyoming? We even have our tank now. Booyah, mother fu-

Caboose: Sheila, um did you send the tank out there to, help them?

Sheila: Negative.

Caboose: Oh, so the tank went out there, on its own.

Sheila: Affirmative.

Caboose: Sheila, I think they might be in trouble.

Sheila: Affirmative.

Caboose: I should help them!

Sheila: Affirmative.

Caboose: I could go out there-

Sheila: Negative.

Caboose: And help them beat Wyoming-

Sheila: Negative.

Caboose: And save the day-

Sheila: Nope.

Caboose: And everyone will love me!

Sheila: What?

Caboose: Especially Church!

Sheila: My sensors indicate you don't stand a chance.

Caboose: Thanks Sheila! This is a great plan!

Cut to Blue Base as Alex looks at Wyoming through a sniper rifle scope

Alex: Almost there.

Simmons: Take the shot we need our base back.

Ava walks out of the bace

Ava: Reds what are you doing here?

Sarge: A blue what are you doing here?

Ava: Umm this is my bace I am guarding it while the outhers take your bace.

Grif: Your doing a shity job.

Sarge: How dare you take our bace I should kill you.

Ava: Who man I'll make you a deal you get your bace back and you don't kill me.

Sarge: Deal

Alex sees Caboose run twords Red Base and sees the tank

Alex: (panicked) Caboose wait!

Alex throws the sniper rifle to the side and jumps off the bace and runs after Caboose behinde the reds and Ava a dark red soldier creeps up a rifle at the ready 

Cut to the standoff at Red Base

Wyoming: You know, I really can't thank you enough for leaving your tank completely unattended. It was very kind of you, old chap. Makes your defeat and humiliation so much easier.

Church: Yeah? Well, great, glad we could help. I'm sure if you give us enough time we'll just kill ourselves. Save ya some ammo.

Will: It shouldn't take to long.

Wyoming: If it makes you feel any better your death is for a very noble cause.

Church: What do you want with Tucker's kid anyway?

Will: Ya he's only three days old.

Wyoming: I had no idea once I kill you I'll tell him all about you.

Red Vs Blue season 5 male ocWhere stories live. Discover now