Chapter 11: Side Story 1 (Willow)

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Hey guys! I just thought of making a side story of how Ray and Norman adopted their son. Willow.

I know its been a long time since I ended this story, but I just thought making this one to soothe the painful ending.

The story will take place a two or three years before Norman died.


Norman is in the living room reading a book. He sensed Ray sneaking up on him, but he pretended to not notice him.

"Norman!" Ray shouted which made Norman jump.

"Ray! You startled me." He huffed.

Ray chuckled as he sat down beside him. He kissed him on the temple.

Norman touched his face and he cupped Ray's cheek.

Ray kissed his palm and he nuzzled his face into the crook of Norman's neck.

"Do you want to drink blood? Or you just wanted to cuddle?" Norman asked.

"Mm. Cuddle. I'll drink your blood later." Ray said as he laid down on the couch and he pulled Norman to lie down on top of him.

"You know Ray. I was thinking." Norman said.

"Hm? What is it?" Ray asked.

"Is it alright if we adopt someone? I mean. I can't give you kids.

But, it would be nice if we took care of one. You know, to give that kid a nice family?" Norman asked.

"Norman. I'm not really fit to be a family man. Yes, I have two sons, but they're not living with me.

Plus, I don't mind not having kids with you. Being with you is enough for me." Ray said.

"Ray. Your kind of selfish you know?" Norman said.

"Selfish? What do you mean?" Ray asked.

"Well. You don't want to adopt someone, but I want to. I want to take care of a child who doesn't have a family to go to." Norman said.

Ray sighed. "Sorry Norman. I don't want to adopt a kid." He said.

Norman frowned and pouted. "Okay." He said sadly.

Ray noticed the sadness in his voice and he hugged Norman. 'Its fine. He'll forget about it as time passes.

Us having a kid, might not be a good idea since I'm a vampire. It will only freak the kid out. I'm so sorry Norman.' He thought.

But, as time passed, Norman wanting to adopt, kept on growing.

He's just being subtle about it. He's not telling Ray since he gets irritated every time they talk about it.

Ray has been noticing that Norman has been sad or alone lately.

He asks him if he's not okay, but Norman always gives him the same answer, "I'm okay." Is what he says. And Ray is worried.

Ray slumped back onto his chair and he sighed. Emma noticed this and she walked up to him. "What's wrong boss?" She asked.

"Its nothing. Its just that...Norman has been sad lately.

And maybe its because I told him that I don't want to adopt a kid and he wants to." Ray said.

"So? Then go and adopt a kid. Having a kid is nice. Right?" She said.

"Yeah. Not until that kid is scared to death and maybe embarrassed having a vampire dad and having two gay guys as his/her foster parents." Ray said as he sighed.

Always and Forever {Vampire Ray x Blind Norman} (The Promised Neverland)Where stories live. Discover now