Bucket List

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Look, I've been to more museums then I can count- best one that I've been to? The Louvre.

I've seen most things that people dream about. And for that, I'm grateful.

The Eiffel Tower, The Louvre, The Sistine Chapel, Notre Dame, St. Peter's Basilica, The Pantheon, The Colosseum, The Duomo, The Vatican, Para le Chaez, (spelled that wrong, lol, graveyard in Paris) The Breakers mansion in New Port, Versailles (pronounced Ver-sie), Sleepy Hollow Graveyard, Salem Witch Trails, Tomb of the Unknown Solider, (England, D.C., France, Austria). I get around. Oh, and I rode a gondola in Venice, took a water taxi there, and rode St. Mark's winged lion, Ghadi's Cathedral, Las Rhombus.

Oh yeah, and I danced with a clown in Paris. It's as scary as it sounds.

As I was saying- if you get a chance to travel the world- take it. It's the closest thing we can get to a real adventure these days. Learn about someone else's culture- become an adventurous eater.

It's life-changing.

Do it before you're old- make a bucket list, some of those things you won't have the energy to do when you're retired.

I'm just lucky I got to do some of this young. 😉


P.S. We're going to London & Austria (again) over the summer. So, look for updates about that around June.

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