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Some people legitimately don't understand the concept of sarcasm or are completely oblivious to it. Which I honestly don't understand.

I am the most sarcastic person ALIVE. If you insult me, chances are I have about 10 sarcastic comments to fire back at you before you even finish the original sentence.

If you don't get sarcasm, I WILL SAY SOMETHING SARCASTIC TO YOU. Later, I'll probably emphasize the sarcasm dripping off of my words.

Most of the time 1/75 words aren't sarcastic OR me cursing. Which is saying something. And I don't see how people can't take me seriously.

Take my wonderful friend Katie for example, I call her dumbass, and she calls me Smartass. Which is fitting considering I suck at keeping my mouth shut.

I have self-control, believe me I do, I just choose not to use it. Now, if you are sarcastic there's a fine line between sarcasm, and offensive. I walk on that line a lot. And to be honest, the cause of my death is probably me being sarcastic at the wrong time.

At home I get in so much trouble because I either a) swear or b) say something sarcastic back and my mother deems it 'Sassy.' But honestly, what ever happened to 'Freedom of Speech.'

Maybe that's why I have such a crappy relationship with my parents. Or because of the fact they play weird mind games with one another but never get anything resolved. But that's a story for another chapter.

I bestow upon you the great gift of words, and sarcasm. Use them wisely.


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