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12-13 are pretty tough years. You have to deal with getting your 1st period, the changes in hormones, looking like a grease bomb blew up on your hair, friend drama, break outs, and low self esteem. Not to mention the parent talks. They're the worst. Oh, and the awkward sex ed.

Let me start off with how you should prepare for your first period. If your getting to the point where you think you're going to get you're period you should get about 15 pads and put them in a separate pencil case, not see through. I don't advise tampons for you're first period, they're hard to get in and just don't use them, unless you absolutely have to.

Keep in mind, if a guy sees it it's not the end of the world. Every girl gets them and the look on their faces are priceless.

Hormones, I can't give much advice other than it'll pass. With periods comes hormones.

It's annoying but you eventually will learn to live with it.

The grease bomb, the best way to limit the grease is to just wash you're hair every day.

Friend drama, stay out if as much as possible! You do not want to get stuck in that cat fight sister. Believe me.

Break outs, dermatologist may help. Washing you're face also helps me, but sometimes it just lets more and more dirt get in and you have more break outs.

Low self esteem. This is one of the reasons why I hate society. Mostly because we force this image onto young girls that we have to be beautiful in order to be able to make it in life. Society tells us that we have to be perfect every single minute of our lives otherwise men won't want us, we won't be successful. Now, I want to turn around and kick that notion is the dick. Sometimes not giving a fuck is the best therapy.

Parent talks, and sex ed, everyone has to go through it keep that in mind. It's still awkward but useful. Listen to them. It'll help more than me. Maybe?


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