Spying on Stoners

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So, last night, I was all cozy in my living room watching the Flash (Barry is amazing and I like how they incorporated Arrow into it, both of which I watch avidly.) and I look over at my neighbors who haven't been home all day. And I see flashlights.

Bad sign already, I know.

So, I'm like, "What the hell," and see two people running around flipping on and off lights. So, I'm sitting here, thinking to myself, "These guys are shit robbers."

And then my heart heart spikes a little bit.

And then I start shaking, hyperventilating, et cetera.

I run down the basement, get my sister and start crouching by the sliding glass door in the kitchen (their house is on a hill, so it makes it easier to spy on them.)

I call my Dad, pretty freaked out, and tell him the situation because my parents went to go see a movie. Turns out, they had just pulled into the driveway.

And my mom says she's pretty sure it's their son, who's in college, and my dad suggests they're on crack. And of course, me being the smartass I am, say it's probably weed considering how many times they've raided the fridge.

Might I mention that I was texting Jess this, and she's laughing her ass off. (I would be too.) And then we started discussing our favorite characters and Matt Murdock, because who doesn't want an avocado at law?

(If you don't watch Daredevil you won't get that reference.)

So, that was my night.


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