The FoodChain of Girls

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Naturally, I have created a food chain of the different categories social groups of girls. Well.. You'll see how it all works out.


These are the kids that are scared of even the teacher yelling at them for the slightest mistake known to mankind. Now for the different kids in this social class

The goody two shoes- they aim to be the perfect student, never doing anything wrong getting all As in classes and never fail to correct you on everything and anything. From science to grammar. They know everything. And they tend to rub off as smart asses.

The tattle tails- they take it upon themselves to apply discipline to the class by, well, tattle tailing. It can be anything from stealing their pencil, to cheating off a test (let's face it we all did it) they're their to tell the teacher. They're like the teachers spy's. Have EXTREME caution around them

The teachers pet-

Normally the teacher favorite (even if they claim they don't choose) they apply getting gifts, complimenting, etc... To get on the good side of the teachers. They lead you in class activities and strive to be the best (around the teacher that is).


These are girls that for no reason whatsoever besides the fact that their families can afford $457 for a crappy pair of jeans made in China are why they're 'popular'.

The helium tank- these girls have a ridiculously high pitched voice that they claim is real but we all know that shit ain't your real voice. They sound like they just sucked out all the helium in, like, 68902 balloons.

The hyenas- these girls prey upon the weaker class-man and are so loud. Seriously, they could be talking at what they think is a whisper and you could hear them from tin-buck two.

The sluts-

These girls have dated and dumped every guy in the grade above you, below you, and you're grade, and are now working on some guys that are *cough* barely legal *cough*. These are the girls who are voted most likely to do drugs, be a stripper, whore (oh wait they already are), become alcoholics, but for some reason aren't pregnant yet.


These kids are OBSESSED WITH THEATER. Like, broadway, EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND. Obsessed. They star in every top role in you're schools play/musical. You see the one thing I like about them, is they agree High School Musical Sucks Ass.

Pitch Perfect-

These wonderful people can be found in every Single choir/chorus your quaint little town can offer. And they are amazing singers. But tend to rub it in.


They show wonderful acting skill on the stage and in school, maybe a little outspoken about their abilities, but that's not why you don't trust them. They're acting is a little too good.

Marching Band on Sneakers-

These are normally in marching band, orchestra, advanced band, jazz band, chamber orchestra, chorus. Basically every music ensemble known to the world. Hell, they invented music. They play that well. Unfortunately they feel the need to hum right in the middle of a very important math quiz like make or break your grade quiz.


Yes, they're real. Just very very scarce. They're actually nice, so be nice to them. And respect them because most likely they're the only ones who have any goddamn sanity left. (Only one type sorry :( they're just so scarce these days!)

Part 2 a little later tonight. (Maybe)


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