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Okay, society's really, really, really fucked up. Seriously.

This is kinda gonna be a mash up of well, everything. I really should make a second chapter on society. See? this is my thought process all the time. It's like skipping rope then lying down in the middle with chalk and singing "Ring around the Rosie." Which has a pretty demented back story. That's besides the point.

Society is constantly pushing this image of how we need to be perfect. Every single minute of our life. They tell us that if we aren't skinny enough no one will love us. How we need to keep our voice shut. Dropping out of our lives to care for our children and the husband. how we should silence ourselves if we're trying to take power away from a man. How our only purpose in life is to bare children and please the husband.

In reality that's not how anything works. Women should be able to take care of children and keep their job. We should be able to earn that promotion for the hard work we've put in. People should be able to love us for who we are instead of what we are. We are so much more than beings that bare children.

Looking at the full picture society is demented, we shouldn't hide behind this veil of artificiality. Cover up our flaws and silence ourselves. We should be able to scream and be proud of not having a husband, we should be able to show the world our flaws instead of adding salt to those open wounds. Their shouldn't be tax deductions for those who are married, they should pay the same as a single parent. Like WTF?

Sorry to break it to you, but all marriages is, is just a shitty economic arrangement. It's annoying really, like everyone thinks it's out of love, ahem. No. It's just a man gets paid more. Female + Male = $. And taxes = -$. See...? Economic benefits.

One of the reasons why men are held higher in society is because they can produce offspring faster than a woman can. Think about it, a man can get 3 hell even 48 women pregnant on the same day. Whereas the female has to wait 9 months. Make sense? Because of this the man has a higher rate of producing a son. And so the cycle goes on.

What I see in everyday life often is people believe only women can get raped. Which isn't true. Men can get raped too, sure it may be lower percentages but they still get raped. Admittedly something that has always gotten on my nerves was how rape victims are treated in court; not very well. They're presented as whores, and sluts. Even the men. It doesn't help that most of the time guys are like, "What's the problem with rape? They shouldn't be complaining, they want to get raped."


I question humanity often. Another law that has always been amusing to me was the "equal force law." Basically under this law if your husband is a wife beater you can only use equal force. Meaning; if they punch you your only aloud to use your hands to punch a 384 pound muscle mass that's beating the crap out of you. It's not going to do anything except piss him off. Like really?

Well, there's defiantly going to be part 2. Do you ever question humanity?

Its been fun, night! ❤️Tails

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