Chapter 6: Pranks

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Recommended song for Chapter 6: None, your choice!(Recommendations Welcome)^~^

(Chases' POV) -Same day, almost dinner-


I really don't wanna get out of my truck. I can honestly say that it hurts me to think about getting out of my truck right now. I sigh, for about the tenth time, and look through my window to see the pack house just ahead of me. The old three story house has been here for around 300 years when Axels ancestors first decided to live here, and has been passed down from generation to generation of Nightwalker Pack Alphas.

Though it has been renovated throughout the years to fit the times it still has its general floor plans from when it was first built. I sigh one more time before getting out of my truck.

"Dude, finally! We've been waiting for you to man up and get out here" Rich yells at me as I make my way up to the white double doors of the house. "It's just the twins, no need to be afraid...actually, no.

"The twins are plenty enough reason to act the way you are right now" he gives me a pitying look while shaking his head sadly at me. So me being me, I flick him hard on the forehead. To which he yelps in pain while asking me why I would do that, rubbing his forehead to try and relieve some of said pain.

"Keep pushing your luck Rich, you know I have the power to make you help me with babysitting those hellions." He turns his head to the side and starts to whistle like nothing happened. "Yeah, that's what I thought." I go to open the door, but I pull back my hand from the handle before opening it, "Hey Rich, open the door for me."

He gives me a confused face, "Why?" I ignore his question and just wait for him to open it, and he does when he realizes that I won't answer him. He shrugs his shoulders, grabs the handle and before he opens the door I make Axel and I take a few steps back from the door.

"Hey Chase, what was the point of t-" before he could finish his sentence, a bucket of hot pink paint fell onto his head; spilling its contents all over his face and clothes while me and Axel just watch it happen in dim shock. He doesn't move immediately, but slowly brings his hands up and takes the paint bucket off his head, which let out any of the remaining paint slowly pour down slowly.

I press my lips together in an attempt to keep my laughter in. It soon becomes too much to keep in, so I clasped my hand around my mouth to keep it in; Axel doing the same as me. A soft voice comes from the top left side of the steps, "Aw, how'd you know Chase? It should've been flawless!"

Wearing a maroon skirt with a pink undertone, a light blue sweater over a black shirt and two bright blue and black bows tying her brown hair in pigtails, Savanna Braun stood there with a pout on her face with her arms crossed in disappointment.

Another voice sounded from the right side of the steps next, "Yeah Chase, how'd you know?! It took a lot of work to get that paint can to tip at that exact spot!" This one's wearing dark blue jeans, a belt and a shirt that's a darker shade of blue than his sisters, Dilan Braun stands with his hands also crossed over his chest and a peeved look on his face. Meet the Braun twins; The older sister, Savanna, and her younger brother Dilan. Though since they're twins, Savanna's just a couple minutes older than Dilan.

'They use to be so that they're 10 they've become quite good in the art of pranks' I can't help but think as I peer over the paint covered Rich at the two who I'll be babysitting tonight. "Well, how about this; I'll tell you how I knew about this little prank if you promise to be good until your parents come back from their date. Sounds fair, right?"

Me and Axel make our way around Rich, careful not to touch any of the paint, and up and into the living room while the twins get together and whisper about my proposition with haste.

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