Chapter 7: A Midnight Hunt

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Recommended song for Chapter 7: Moon Trance, By: Lindsey Stirling.

(Chases' POV) -Seven Days Later, September ninth. Full Moon-


'And, send!' Clicking the send button on my computer, the new set of documents I had to make travels to my boss. You see, to make the money needed to pay off the Alpha I had to get a job. The best suited one I found was for a company who was looking for computer coders. I had no experience in coding, but I took to it easily and fast. Once I paid the Alpha off the borrowed money for my house I kept my job since I could work at home, choose my hours and the pay is pretty dang good.

I push off my corner desk that lies below my T.V and next to my door, going far enough back to turn round 'n round in my black swivel chair. I listen to the soft thump of a drum coming downstairs. Someone probably put on some music to listen to as they hang out with others.

I roll back to my desk to pick up my phone lying next to the keyboard; 8:42. I stretch my body out before turning my computer off and putting my phone in the back pocket of my jeans. Before closing my door behind me I set my chair back by my desk, sliding easily over the dark hardwood floor that covers my room.

I go down the beige colored carpeted steps, stopping on the second floor to kick out all the pack members that've been here since school ended at 4:00. I tell them all that it's time to go, to which all 7 of them whoop and cheer as they hurry past me and down the steps to go to the Pack house.

As the last of them leave I jog over to my stereo on the far wall of the game room, turning it off since no one bothered to in their excitement for tonight. I jog past the games once again, turning them off as I go down, and go down the steps once more till I hit the bottom. I make sure everything's off before grabbing the keys from a hook next to the door and locking up all of them, making sure they won't get lost by hooking them to a chain hanging loosely off my jeans.

Walking over to the dense woods till the smoothed rock driveway stops and the start of the lush colored forest begins. Reds, oranges, yellows and green colors intense as I walk further in, pausing to maneuver across the fallen array of different leaves and the rocks and twigs that lay beside them.

Once out of sight of my house, I begin to strip off my sneakers and socks along with my navy blue sweatshirt first; revealing my hardly earned abs and pecks. I admire myself for a sec, enjoying the view. 'What? I am a girl, and there's no shame in admiring ones beautifully created body.' I don't admire long since the September air is making me cold, fast.

Dropping my sweatshirt on the forest floor I quickly unbuckle my jeans next, pushing them down quickly and moving out of them to stand wearing only black boxers. I gather up my clothing to be neatly folded together, with my shoes sitting atop them nicely below a nearby pine tree. Once done I step back and begin to concentrate on turning; picturing my wolf in my mind and how it feels to be in that form.

A few seconds pass until I feel the usual tingle all over my body begins to start. The tingles begin to intensify and soon feels like needles being poked everywhere. A cold sweat covers my body and I begin to uncontrollably pant, pain comes in a flash as my body folds in on itself. Bones break and reform, cartilage moves to different places, once dull bottomed teeth elongate and becomes deadly sharp as my face stretches into a muzzle.

The pressure and pain becomes too much, causing me to fall on my side and writhe on the dirt floor. Skin tears to reveal gold and dark brown fur covering everything. Legs and arms retract to become long, powerful paws and newly sharpened legs.

My ears seem to move atop my head as my tailbone lengthens and becomes a tail. The last thing to transform are my eyes, becoming a dull yellow know to belong to certain types of wolves. The pain doesn't fade immediately throughout my body, it stays a good few minutes till slowly fading into a small twinge.

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