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Recommended Song For Prologue: Blackheart, By: Two Steps From Hell.

(Chasitys' POV) 4 years old. -May 7, 2002- ~U.S.A, Minnesota~


"Hey mommy," says a tiny voice that can only belong to an innocent, and tiny girl. "What's for dinner tonight? Is it something I like?" I asked mommy who is currently cutting up something circular, and always makes my eyes start to sting and water.

"I am making your favorite Chasity, do you remember what it's called?" Mommy asks me while I play with my dolls in the living room.

"I know, I know! It's Sgetty!" I tell mommy excitedly, hoping for her to praise me that I remembered the name of the food.

"Good girl Chasity. It's Spaghetti, I know how you and your father love this so much. So I thought since this is a special night, I would make it just for you." Mommy tells me this while putting the round, and smelly thing into the meat with the other things that make Sgetty so good.

"That's right, Chasity. Since it's a special night your mother thought it would go perfect with desert." Daddy tells me this while going towards mommy, and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Ah! That's not fair daddy! Me too!" I say as I run towards mommy as fast as I can, and cling to her waist waiting for her to lean down towards me.

"Zane Parker you better get out of my kitchen! I don't want a repeat of the last time you interrupted my cooking. Also, Chasity, of course you can have a kiss" leaning down enough for me to reach, I give mommy a quick peck on the other cheek. "Now since both of you have given me a kiss, out of my kitchen or no dinner for both of you!" She says while shoving us back into the living room. Since mommy and daddy have good jobs, we get a big house. My room is next to mommy and daddy's room on the second floor, which is across from the toilet and guest bed.

My room is filled with stuffed doggies and kitty's, and the walls a pretty light pink with white carpeting. My bed is very big with purple sheets covered in pink flowers, and matching pillows. Downstairs is the living room, dining room, game room and kitchen, which has plenty of pictures and windows throughout it. Since today's my birthday mommy and daddy spent the whole day with me, and we went to all kinds of places in town. My favorite shop was the one that sold lots of different ice cream. I chose the one with vanilla ice cream with strawberries, chocolate chips and Kit-Kat pieces mixed together.

"Dinner's ready you two, come and get it while it's still hot!" Mommy says to me and daddy.

As mommy sits down with her Sgetty daddy gets me a plate of long noodles with lots of red sauce on top, and two pieces of that hot and cheesy bread.

"Yay, cheesy toast!" I shout to no one in particular. Daddy chuckles and says to mommy;

"Did you hear that Ella? Cheesy Toast!" Daddy says while sitting down next to mommy who both have a smile on their faces, and unconditional love in their eyes while looking at me.






After dinner we had some of my favorite kind of cake and ice cream;chocolate birthday cake and strawberry ice cream. Since it was getting late mommy carried me to my bed with daddy following close behind her. "Do you like your new doll, Chasity?" Daddy asks with an arm around mommy's shoulders.

"I love it. mommy.......and......daddy..." I tell them that I like the blue eyed and blond haired doll in an old looking ruby dress with matching shoes, ribbon and bracelet. As I fall asleep I thought I saw a somewhat worried and pained expression on mommy and daddy, but it must of been my imagination playing tricks on my sleepy head.






BAM, BAM, BAM...Crash, BAM" 'what was that?' I ask myself as I get out of my bed, wanting to find mommy fast. I open my door a crack and find the hall in shambles; cracked wall, broken vase on the floor and mommy's door wide open. I peek into mommy's room to find no one there, 'where are they?' "Mommy? Daddy?"

I whisper in a shaking voice as I descend the steps, until I step in something wet, and a little warm. As I start to look down I hear voices coming from the backyard. So I start to, as quietly as possible, make my way towards the voices. When I walk to the doorway I see lots of men and wolves laying on the ground, with lots of red paint covering the grass and their bodies.

"Oh, look how the tables have turned Zane" says a voice I don't know who belongs to.

"What will it take for you to leave right now, Walker?" That's daddy's voice, but he sounds so sad and desperate. 'Why does daddy sound so sad?' I can't help but think something terrible happened to make him like that, and that makes me very afraid.

"What will it take? Ha! You only have one thing that I want, and I don't need you to take it." The mystery man sad in a very low, very scary voice. I have to crouch around the corner to see the man and daddy, and what I see stops my breath along with my very soul. Daddy's holding mommy in his arms while he crouches over, tear tracks clearly visible upon his face. 'Why is daddy crying? Why isn't mommy moving? Why is there red stuff coming from mommy's neck? Why is mommy's eyes so dull?Why? WHY!? WHY!!?'

"WHAT ELSE DO I HAVE FOR YOU TO TAKE, WALKER!?" Daddy shouts at the man named Walker. Pure anger taking over his face, while he starts to tremble from that same anger. Then the anger fades, and a face of pure fear takes over his features as he figures out what he has left. 'What is daddy afraid of now? What else can that monster take that's just as important as mommy was!? There's nothing! There's nothing more important than mommy was to daddy! NOTHING!!' I scream in my head as tears start to uncontrollably flow from my eyes. "You can't" Daddy says slightly above a whisper. "YOU CANT TAKE HER TOO!!" 'Who daddy? Who is her?'

"Oh but I can, and I'm about to once I finish you off here." As the scary man was talking daddy gently laid mommy on the grass, and started to shift into his wolf. It was so fast that the scary man couldn't react fast enough to daddy jumping on the scary man's chest. Just as daddy started to tare into the scary man's neck, the man pulled out a black thing from behind him and a *BANG* went off. The man fell on his back as daddy got his big teeth onto his neck, but as the man struggled two more bangs went off. The scary man went still after awhile, red stuff dripping from his neck to the green grass.

"D...Daddy?" I say after what seemed like an eternity of waiting for daddy to get off the scary man. I slowly emerge from my spot behind the doors, and as I avoid the fallen wolves and men on the ground to make it to daddy I can't help but think that nothing will ever be the same again.

When I finally make it to daddy's side I start to break down sobbing, crying and screaming; "Daddy?........Daddy!...Hey, get up. Daddy get up, you have to get up! You can't leave me like this!!" I cry and wait for daddy to get up and start to laugh and say to me; "Chasity why are you crying? You know well always be with you, and we'll always be a family. So stop crying, come on, let's go get mommy and get you cleaned up and back into bed, it's well past your bedtime."
Though he doesn't. Daddy doesn't move to come and comfort me, and I realize that he never will.




Hey Tomohamaru here, and I just wanted to say that this is my first Wattpad book. Hope I could get some feed back on the prologue to know if I should keep this story going, and perhaps some voting?*Wink, Wink* I would also would love some cover ideas from u guys. Anyway I hope you enjoyed Chasity's back story.

Pictures belong to their artists, I claim no rights to their design.

© Tomohamaru, 2014


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