Chapter 2: Training

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Recommended Song For Chapter 2: Trancendence, By: Lindsey Stirling.

(Chases' POV) 8 years old.- July 13, 2006- ~U.S.A, Wisconsin~(will be in Wisconsin unless it says otherwise.)


"It's too early for training, teacher!" I say while repeatedly hitting and kicking the stuffed dummy in the shape of a male human.

"You're too open! Keep your elbows closer to yourself when you pull away, and bring those feet closer together Chase!" I do as he says, and it becomes easier to kick the dummy after I punch it. 'Just cause that worked doesn't mean he can ignore me when I talk!' I stop hitting the dummy to glare at teacher,

"Don't try to push this off. I've been out here punching and kicking this dummy since 5 o'clock this morning, and it's almost 10! I need a break to gain my strength back, and I need to get some food into myself." I looked teacher straight in his murky brown eyes while I said this, because no one, and I mean NO ONE, gets in the way of me and food. I've been with Lizetta and Clarabella for about 4 years now, and let me tell you it's been quite the experience. When Lizetta found me as a kid, she took me from the woods to live with her and her granddaughter Clarabella, because she said she knew my parents before the accident.

Soon after I was introduced to the closest pack to her house, and while I still live with Liz(nickname for Lizetta) I have to visit their pack house every other day to learn about how to function within the pack. Since Liz was worried about my future as a female wolf she cast a spell on me that changed my body, but it only lasts two months before she has to do it again.

It took me a couple days to agree, but I eventually saw the possibilities of becoming a male werewolf. So she cast the spell, changed my name to Chase Parker, and introduced me to the pack as a Beta wolf with no pack to belong to. They surprisingly welcomed me into their Pack, but it's probably because they had no future Beta for Alpha Braun's son; Axel.

Although they offered for me to live in the Pack house I wanted to stay close to Liz and Clarabella, because they're the ones who really see me for who I am.

"Chase! *Fwip* Pay attention to where you're walking!" Teacher says while trying to trip me as he walks me back to Liz's home to get something to eat.

"I am paying attention teacher," I say while dodging his attempt to trip me "but I guess you didn't notice cause you were ogling the Fey women over there." Yep, teacher's a total player. He's always looking for his next prey, I wonder if it's a wolf thing? God I hope not, I don't wanna end up like teacher.

"I wasn't ogling, I was just...admiring their unusual beauty," teacher says while looking at the women with a predatory gaze.

"You're doing it again! Stop it, no good woman likes a man staring at them, much less when your the one doing it." I say while sticking my foot in front of teachers legs.

"I told you I'm not...Ahh!!" Teacher screams like a banshee as he falls face first into the pavement, and I could hear a bunch of laughter coming from the Fey women as they walk away from us. Since Liz doesn't like me training in her backyard, she sends me and teacher to a meadow on the other side of town.

"Da*mit Chase! You wrecked my chances with one of those Fey women! Hey, this isn't over, just wait till..." Teachers voice gets softer as I run away at full speed.' I can't help but feeling I'll regret that later, but oh well. He did have it coming to him' I think while a smirk appears on my face.

I hate morning training, and all because Liz thinks I need all this training to become a good Beta. Though I do know I'll benefit from it greatly, she knows that I hate mornings with a burning passion.


*~At Lizetta's House~

"Liz, Clara(Clarabella's nickname), I'm home!" I say while heading straight for the kitchen to make some sandwiches' for the three of us.

"Welcome home Chasity, how was training? Oh, and I want tuna and mayo on mine please." Liz yells from the backyard, 'She must be tending to her plants.'

"Same old same old, but this time he was ogling the Fey moms from the PTA. So I just HAD to put him in his place." I yell in the direction of the backyard so that Liz can hear me.

"Did you poke his eyes out? I would have, or maybe act like his daughter to ruin his chances with them" Clara says while grabbing the Blue Doritos bag from a cupboard. "I'd like the usual on mine, please and thank you Chasity."

"Yeah, yeah. I swear, I don't know how you two survived not knowing how to cook" I say as I finish making our sandwiches. I put them on the small table nestled into the wall while I go and grab lemonade from the fridge. When I turn around I see Clara scarfing down her sandwich, and trying to fit some of the chips in her mouth at the same time. Liz, on the other hand just takes hers and goes back into the yard to finish up planting her 'ingredients' for her elixirs.

I pour my lemonade into a glass with ice and move to sit across from Clara, but I notice something off with my sandwiches. "Clara....did you do this?" I ask while pointing to a huge bite out of one of my three sandwiches. I can see she's trying to keep a poker face on, but failing miserably.

"Do what? I didn't have anything to do with that, maybe it was Lash who did it?" At the sound of her name, Lash pads over to me and lays down. I've known Lash ever since she took me in at three years old, treating me as if I were her own child. When Liz found me in the woods as a kid; Lash refused to leave my side, but she's mellowed out over the years and even allows me out of her sight for a short while.

"Then I guess it was Lash. Oh look, it appears that Lash also took your chips!" I steal the bag from Clara's hands when she isn't looking, and I start eating them while running away from an angry Clara. "NO, MY CHIPS!! Give them back Chasity, or pay the price!" She says as she starts to chase me through the small house, and into the backyard.

"If you don't hurry up, Lash's gonna end up eating all of them!" I taunt, but she stops chasing me and closes her eyes. 'Oh no, she better not be doing what I think she's about to do.' I start to book it towards the house, but she's already finished with her spell. As I reach for the door I feel myself start to float off the ground. "Levitation spell, really Clara!?"

"Give me the chips, and no one falls down...Pft, get it? Fall down...oh I'm SO very witty." Clara says with a smile, and then pretends to wipe a single tear from her eye.

"Fine! You can have them, but just get me down from here quickly! Blood head..." I say as I drop the bag into Clara's greedily awaiting hands.

"Thank you Chasity, and because you took my chips, you get a little punishment." Clara says as she walks back into the house, and I start to fall when she closes the door behind her. It didn't hurt much when I landed since I was just three feet off the ground. It's days like these that I truly feel like apart of a family with an annoying sister, and a loving but somewhat aloof grandmother. Although I'd like to have known my parents better, I wouldn't change my life in any way, shape or form.


Hey, Tomo here. So..did you like it? Hate it? No comment? Please comment! If not, vote for it instead. Yes, I'll generously give you two options, Muhahahahah!! For reals though, I'd really appreciate you guys telling me about what you thought of this chapter. Thanks, and see you in the next one.

Picture not mine, credit goes to photographer/artist. (Meadow where Chasity and teacher trains.)


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