The Demons of Tsushima

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Jin's POV

I could barely remember what had happened next. All I can recollect was that I fought Sowa and attempted a trick as a final resort. It worked but not to the extent I had hoped. Sowa was powerful enough to withstand the poison effects.

I did not know whether not to accept my fate or feel the rest of my days in shame. I did everything I could and yet he was able to heal quickly. The powers and abilities that I had to overcome were futile. So close yet so far when it comes to killing demons. Sowa was different that was for sure but how different was a unique ordeal. He kept spouting how he was not the only one and his growing endeavors to fight a warrior that could defeat him. I still needed to know who he truly was.

I presumed I fell asleep but it felt like I had died. The last thing I could see through my blurred vision was a tall dark figure standing over me. Then my body was dragged when I fell unconscious.

I barely awoke to the sounds of ramblings of people talking awfully loud. I was still being dragged as I felt myself being pulled against the dirt. My whole body was in pain to the point that if I moved. I believed that I would snap a bone or blood would gush out. I could feel every cut, bruise, and a few broken bones in my body with my head hurting the most. My head felt like someone was beating a hammer inside. Each heartbeat made my wounds feel like they were going to pop.

I eventually came to a stop as I felt my legs placed down gently. I could make out two people conversing with each other did not know what. That's when I heard Sowa shout at them to get their attention.

"Hey!" Sowa shouted which made the two others stop.

"Oh hey, you're finally back. It's almost time for the biggest dinner you have ever seen. I got so many dishes ready for our bellies. Oh man, I can't wait." I heard a woman's voice that surprised me.

"Sowa. Was today the day you met your match or another to the platter? By the way, what's that katana in your hand." A man's voice I heard.

"Well, the thing is I have but just not what I had expected. Which is why I brought him here." Sowa said.

I can only assume he turned and pointed at my body as the two persons gasped at my barely alive corpse.

"Wait. You found your match but you brought his dead body here." The woman told.

"Yes. And the fact he almost killed me and somehow rendered me powerless for a few minutes. I say that this man is something else." Sowa said.

"You almost died! Is that why you brought him here? So that we can relish in the delight of his fate." The woman gushed.

"At least you got him. But that sword in your hand is he one of them." The man alluded.

"Definitely. When I fought him he said he was one of the Hashiras of that corps thing. His name is Jin Sakai, the Ghost Pillar. I finally felt something after all these years I had to bring him here. I think he should be the main course." Sowa convinced.

"Mhm... Somehow it does ring a bell." The man presumed.

I should have known this was how I died. To be eaten by these creatures that have no regard for life. Hear I thought it would be a blade that would finally strike me down. Although they said that I would be the main course. I wonder if they take great pleasure in how they devour humans.

"Well if you put it like that I have no choice but to put him where he belongs." The woman said.

"May I see the sword? It's been a while since I have seen a Hashira and their katanas. They say that the blades our the only weapons that can kill beings like us for good." The man mentioned.

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