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I saw his eyes before I saw anything else of him, the piercing blue stood out against the night. Despite testing only ending around an hour ago, it had gotten dark quickly. He was stood there in a flannel shirt and some black jeans. The sleeves of his shirt hugged his lean muscles once again and the baby blue colour definitely brought out his eyes. Lewis knows what he is doing dressing him and my god it's working.

"Hey stranger." I said as I approached him, smiling unconsciously.

"I didn't think you would come." He grinned and looked me up and down.

"Ye, I didn't know we was getting changed-"

"Don't worry, Lewis picked you out something in the back. He said it's "cute" to match on a date and I had to convince him it wasn't. It's not a date right?" He asked, afraid he had offended me.

Was it a date? I sure as hell would like it to be, but not in this sense.  This is a sorry I ruined your top making up drink, hardly a date right?

"Nope, just two strangers making up for a coffee spillage. I've had the same from Max. He's convinced I have a date." I chuckled.

"Well Lewis is also convinced I have a mystery woman so we have that going for us." He smiled back, "you can get changed in the back if you want, I'm a good driver I promise."

"I sure hope you are." I remarked and opened the back door to the silver Mercedes parked next to where we was stood.

The dress laid out was the same baby blue as Valtteri's top and there was a pair of heeled sandals next to it. Lewis can come sort out my wardrobe any day of the week. I slipped my coffee stained red bull shirt and discarded it on the floor of his car, I then put on the dress Lewis had got and slipped my jeans off.

Whilst I was doing this, Valtteri was mainly concentrated on driving, every now and then spinning round to see if I was ok when he heard a thud or bump. It was just me, attempting to remove jeans in the confined space of the back seat of a car. It's much more difficult than it sounds. Every time he chuckled and turned back around just to hear another "ow" two seconds later.

One I had got changed I clambered into the front seat and slumped down. I reached over the seat to grab the shoes and I had just finished slipping them on when the car had come to a halt.

"Are you ok there?" He chuckled as I sighed.

"That's the most exercise I've done in my entire life. I never knew it would be difficult to get changed like that." I panted, I glanced over to him smiling at me, "what? Is it on back to front or something?"

"Oh no, no," Valtteri said leaning one arm on the steering wheel, "Lewis just knows what he is doing, you look amazing, that's all"

"Not to bad yourself Bottas." I said opening the car door, as I got out I felt my messy hair blow into my face so I redid my bun which had fallen out in the process of getting changed.

As I was putting the last tie on it, the band snapped and I swore. My hair fell out of its updo position and straight into my face.

"You ok? I heard you swear." Valtteri appeared from round the other side of the car.

"My hair band broke and I don't have another one." I sighed.

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