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I stood in the elevator wriggling my feet around in my heels, trying to make them feel slightly comfortable. I never wear heels, the awkward and uncomfortable feeling that comes with them is not usually worth the extra height. I'm much more of a converse person, even give me a pair of crocs and I will be much happier than I am now. God knows why I am wearing heels, screw trying to impress people.

I glanced into the mirror to check my appearance for the 100th time. Nervy was an understatement for the way I felt right now. Scared about the drinks? Nah. Scared that I will publicly embarrass myself when I get pissed and regret it for the rest of my life? Not even on my mind, even though it probably should be. Valtteri? Fuck Yes.

Valtteri created a whole new type of scared in me. I don't know whether it's the rivalry tension between us that makes it more exciting, or the way my knees go weak at even the mention of his name, or maybe it's the excitement my stomach experiences when our eyes meet. All I know is that he does things to me.

I smoothed down my dress, flattening out the imaginary creases my nervous brain was creating. I opened my clutch and pulled out my lip stick and began applying it to my lips in the mirror at the back of the elevator.

The elevator jumped to a stop and my lipstick smudged slightly, I swore as I looked closer at the pink mark across my top lip, chucking my lipstick in my bag. I glanced up as the doors opened whilst rubbing at the lipstick cautiously with my finger, hoping it could magically come off and somehow not smudge everywhere.

I turned round to face the man who was stood quite close behind me.

"Valtteri." I straightened myself upright.

"You have a little something on your face there." He said pointing just above my lip.

"No shit Sherlock." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Let me help." He sighed taking a step towards me.

He wiped the lipstick away with his thumb, his hand gently brushing my cheek.Whilst he did, I took the chance to admire his eyes which were focused on the pink stain above my lip. The icey blue almost twinkled in the reflection of the bright elevator light.

His thumb brushed against my top lip softly and came to a halt as it reached the other side. It lingered there for a minute as he bit his lip, he blatantly tried to suppress any urge he had and it caused me to smirk. The space between us was minimal, as Valtteri had to lean forward to make sure he got all the smudge off. The silence of the elevator allowed me to hear both of our hearts beating fast in our chests.

No words were needed to be said between us to know what we were both thinking. His lips came crashing down on mine, my back being slammed up against the wall. I let out a small cry of pain as the bar dug into my spine, however the feeling of his sweet lips against mine overcame that pain and turned it to irresistible pleasure. I could taste our shared breath, it hot and heavy as the kiss deepened further.

We parted for air for a moment as it began to get very heavy. Valtteri's hands had made it down to rest on my ass, mine gripping his broad shoulders. As much as I would love to fuck this man right here right now, I'm pretty sure people would start to get suspicious if we didn't turn up soon and the fact we were in public. Now i think of that, i have a feeling i should have thought if that first.

I bit my lip as I thought about it, I bit it harder trying to hide a laugh when I realised my lipstick was now smeared all over his lips. I was not going to tell him about that.

We walked out the hotel in the cold night and I shivered slightly as I breathed in the cool, fresh air. It certainly contrasted from the heat in the elevator. The breeze hit my burning cheeks and I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath.

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