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The next race weekend came around, and I had not heard from Val or Lewis until I saw them walking down the paddock together. They were wearing their race suits tied loosely around their waists, and the casualness of their attire made them even more attractive.

Oh and the black fireproofs. They do wonders.

However, they walked past me without acknowledging my presence, and I wondered what they had been discussing.

What did they tell eachother?
Val tell Lewis?
Lewis tell Val?
Did Val find out about Lewis telling me about him possibly leaving?
Did Lewis find out that Val actually asked me out?
Did the press find out?
New rumours?

The options are endless here.

I planned on talking to them at some point.
Lewis needed some sort of apology for the whole leading him on thing and I needed to seriously talk to Val about his silence on the subject of George. I wondered if he knew that I knew he was thinking of leaving or if his seat was at risk.

I watched as they walked into the Merc garage side by side, only then did Val glance over and notice me. A grin formed on his face gave me a small wink.

I swear he could see the blushing from all the way over there as he laughed and shook his head, disappearing into the garage, with Lewis following closely behind.

Toto saw Val chuckling and scanned round the paddock. I quickly spun around, hoping he wouldn't notice me.

I didn't really know what to do, so i just inspected the tree outside out garage entrance. Why do we have a fake tree here? That's actually a fair point.

Mission failed.

"Why are you looking at the tree so weirdly?" I heard a voice behind me and slowly spun round, not clocking the accent on the word tree.

Thank the lord, it was Max.

"Umm Toto at 3o'clock is why. But i did however notice that it isn't actually a real tree. Why is it here?" I questioned and Max shrugged in response.

We wandered over to the hospitality centre together and i quickly glanced over towards Mercedes, where I saw Toto disappear over Max's shoulder.


Thats the only semi-interaction that i had with either of them that whole weekend. I was blanked again by Lewis on Sunday when i waved at him, guessing he is pissed at me about something.

Val was simply nowhere to be seen, even after the race he seemed to disappear into thin air. I swear he was in some kind of magic act that weekend.

The next weekend came around, it was a double header so i flew with Max and his friend Carlos straight to Spain, where we spent the couple of days we had free exploring the sights of Barcelona. The art, the culture, the architecture. Max must have searched up some shit on art as he pretended to know all about it just to make me look dumb as we walked around the art gallery.

"Hmm yes this is an interesting piece you see..." it was.






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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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