♕Before We Start♕

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Hello! Before we get started with this deep story, I just wanted to tell ya'll about myself and reiterate a few things from the description. 

-----------------About Me--------------

My name is Khirinaja (Pronounced k-ear-ee-nah-jah [soft 'j' sound]) It's a mouthful, so usually, I stick to either Rina or Aja. My family specifically calls me Khir so I let everyone else call me either of the first two. Feel free to choose, I answer to both all the time (although, Aja is my favorite but don't tell no one I told y'all that.) Anyway, I'm 20 years old; my birthday is December 4th, 2001. I am a Sagittarius (for those who are interested). I live in Georgia, USA with my mom, dad and little brother. I have a slightly overweight pug who's literally a mood 24/7. Sleep is his answer to everything and I admire that lifestyle. 

I'm black but I don't really know my full heritage, unfortunately. But it's all gravy, we still livin' it up, y'know? Anyway, I'm going to college online, so if I can't keep an update schedule, don't be on my ass aight? Thx. I'll still try, though. I think I'll do every Tuesday as an update cuz they said my assignments each week will always be due Monday night. Idk it's just a thought so far. Anyway, I'll figure that out when I start school and leave an Author's note at the bottom of the chapter I post at the same time. 

I'm 4'11 (They call me lil ma).. sorry, anyway. I love to read and write, but never had the confidence to post any of my stories on here. Ngl, my discord friends high-key gassed me up to post this story, and since mama ain't raise no pussy, Imma take this challenge. 

This is my first book. Could turn out ass on wheat bread; could turn out amazing. We'll have to wait & see. I will try my best to make it good for y'all, but no promises. I know I can't please everyone and personally, I'm ok with that. I wrote this for the hell of it, really. That being said, I still do hope you guys like it. Last thing I gotta say is that I am writing this on pc. Gotta be fucking insane to write this story on my phone that ain't it for me. Anyway because of that, I might have paragraphs that are too long. So I need y'all to tell me if you need the paragraphs shorter. I'll change them if it's a collective agreement that my paragraphs are too long. Anyway, onto the story info. 

--------------------Pre-Story Info-------------------

Y/n is a black girl, we know the drill. She WILL NOT be ghetto as hell. I'm tired of that shit. Most of the time, we got culture but can't take Y/n anywhere in public cuz all she know how to do is act a damn fool like her momma didn't beat her ass when she was little. I'm over that. Y/n will still have black mannerisms but she will also act like she wasn't raised in a barn, ok? Good. 

Y'all gonna hate me for this one but...


Yes ladies, gentlemen & those in between. You heard it here first. So none of that "yeetus the fetus" shit. I'll very quickly delete any comments throwing pregnancy hate on my story. I like pregnancy stories and I'll write for those who do too. Don't like it? Find a new story. I understand some people have a genuine fear of pregnancy and I'm not bashing those who do. I'm talking about the fuckers who really just wanna (once again act like they ain't got no home training) add all them unnecessary comments about not wanting kids or hating kids or some shit like y'all really here. This is a damn fantasy story. Stfu and read or leave. Ain't no one ask for your 2 cents, thanks. 

That being said, I will eventually write another story where Y/n doesn't get pregnant just to please the masses, cuz I know y'all get in yo feelings so quick over a story. I digress; I'll do it for y'all, and you can even leave a comment abt what character you want me to have for that story. Just a warning tho; it'll be pro-hero au for any student characters that are listed. This means if y'all, as a collective, choose Bakugou, then I'm gonna write a pro-hero Bakugou x black fem!reader. This is to keep those who wanna talk about consent age off my back (even tho the age of consent in Japan is actually 13- I don't agree with it but I don't make the rules), but, once again, I digress. 

My stories will hardly ever be for the light hearted. Please enter at your own caution. My stories usually have a healthy (or I guess unhealthy) dose of trauma and a lot of triggers, all of which I'll claim below. Don't ask me what it is about writing angst; for some reason it's just easier to write than most other things. That being said, I will also include some comedy and deep fluff moments to keep it light-hearted enough for everyone. This includes me too because I can't mentally process a ton of angst. 

My plot doesn't really follow the original plot of the anime/manga of bnha. I'm a die hard fan of originality and dont wanna just write Y/n's reactions to the events in the actual story cuz really all that is, is a mc shift from Deku to Y/n & that gets old quick in my opinion. This is Y/n's story and she deserves to have an original story. Sorry but if y'all don't agree, you can get to steppin' to one of those copy-cat stories with maybe 2% of actual effort shown in their stories. (Sorry if I'm coming off a lil salty I'm just tired of the repeat stories with different authors who just wanna do their input of the events on the original show. Shit really gets old quick.)

-----------------------Last Thoughts---------------------

Well, I think thats all I really had for now. I was gonna do another reader insert book where Y/n is the twin sister of Mina. I was gonna make Mina date Kiri for that one and I was torn on who Y/n should date. Honestly, I was gonna do bakugou but I wasn't sure if I should do todoroki, or Midoriya instead. So Imma leave the pole up to y'all. Place your votes down below and I'll let yall know what the official story will be after that. (I'll probably wait a few weeks before I post this to count the votes, so y'all got time to choose.)

K. Bakugou

E. Kirishima

S. Todoroki

I. Midoriya

Other options (Might write these as well in yet another book I got a million stories so).

Aight, cy'all

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