♕Ch. 10 Three's A Party♕

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WHEW BOY, IT'S BEEN A WHILE HUH. Well, I'll explain all that went down. First off, I had a few issues with school, mainly that I failed Anatomy 2 the first time I took the class. So, I had to go and take the class again. I nearly failed the second time, so I was preparing to take it a third time, but I ended up passing with a C+ and thank the heavens. I was losing every marble I ever owned in that class. I avoided anatomy classes like the plague in high school, and I was determined to do so in college, but we see how well that went. Anyway, I had that happen, and I also just had a lot of time off to collect my brain and get past some writer's block, because I was over here logging into Wattpad and only writing like 3 or 4 words before I got stuck and decided to finish it later. I was extremely unmotivated, and my school was half the reason why. But, I turned 21 today, so I made it my life's mission to finish this chapter today and start Ch. 11; writer's block be damned!! As a final note, I wanna apologize for dipping on y'all like that. I can't promise it won't happen again, but I'll try to be more consistent. Anyways, please enjoy the long-awaited chapter 10! <3
Mentions of blood

Y/n Pov:

You made eye contact with Touya, and he smiled with a teary nod.
"You have three babies, Sleepy." A single tear ran down your face, and you looked down at the sonogram again. You couldn't tell if you were scared or excited. Having triplets damn-sure put a hell of a wrench in your entire plan, but you were still caring for and growing a third child. Hawks rubbed his hand on your back and slipped your, now fully charged, hearing aids back in your ears gently. You sniffled and wiped away your tears as you turned the hearing aids on.
"What, uh.. What's the third baby's gender?" You asked, making eye contact with the doctor.
"You've got two girls and a boy. He seems to be a bit frail, which is why he was so well hidden behind his sisters; he couldn't be detected in past examinations. But sure enough, you're growing three healthy babies." He spoke with a bit of a happy-go-lucky voice. Though, his tone was still serious. You nodded as another tear ran down your face, only to be caught by a scarred hand before Touya hugged you again, rubbing your back while you silently sobbed into his shoulder.
"My babies!" You kept crying into his shoulder as you gripped his arm. Sure, you felt the fear of your inability to pick up the slack, so you'll have enough for all three children. But at the moment, the hormones were dictating euphoria and your mind agreed.

Once you got a hold on your tears, you pulled away and sighed.
"I have a lot to do. With three babies on the way now, I don't have nearly as many resources as I had before. I have to start buying more. I-I need a bigger apartment, and- and- there's so much to get. Wh-where do I even start?!" Your mind was finally catching up to the other side of the situation at hand.
"Calm down, Sleepy. We have Mr. Hero here. He can easily use some of that pocket change and pay off your struggles." Touya said, half-jokingly. You let out a soft chuckle with a soft sniffle.
"While I'm sure that'd take the stress of everything off my shoulders, one; you can't just volunteer someone else's wallet for my personal gain, and two; I don't wanna use his money anyways. Too long, I've been working and relying on myself and myself alone. I'm not going to give that up just because I have a surprise third child that I have to prepare for." You paused for a moment, but continued before Hawks could speak up.
"Besides, I don't think Ke--Hawks would want to fund a cr-... well, someone with my reputation." You ended, giving the doctor a side-eye glance.

"While, I'd love to give you all the money in the world, especially for your triplets," Keigo started, --you figured it was time you start referring to him as his first name given he shared it with you--
"I'm in a bit of a situation at the moment. I'm not sure how much I'd be able to help." He mentioned in the most cryptic tone he could. Touya looked like he was resisting the urge to question him further. He held back anyway. You could understand the circumstances without him explaining. If he didn't want to pay you, you'd definitely take the chance to keep working. Taking pay-outs seemed like you'd be relying on other people; and fuck that shit. You nodded and scratched your scalp, feeling the sticky base of a braid. When you pulled your hand back, your fingertips were covered in partially dried blood. You let out a soft sigh.
"I really hate washing blood out of my hair." You said, rolling your eyes in annoyance. Touya gave a gentle chuckle and popped a couple knuckles.
"I'll help you with that later." He offered. You nodded in a silent agreement. You then shifted and winced in pain as you glanced over at your bandaged wing. The weight of the bandages made your back feel lopsided. This was going to make you struggle with your balance. You weren't too confident about that with three children to carry. The doctor must've seen your worries, because he cleared his throat to catch your attention again.
"If you'd like, we can set you up with a manual wheelchair or a pair of crutches to help with balance."

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