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Heavy rain and thunder penetrated your ears as you tossed and turned in another nightmare; only a wave of nausea giving you a literal rude awakening from your own mind. With little time to spare, you sprang from your bed, purely running on adrenaline at this point, and silently made your way down to the bathroom, where you puked into the toilet. And so, your daily ritual started.

You'd cleaned your face up and brushed your teeth, keeping the water barely running so you could listen in to see if your father --your adoptive father, Akira was awake. Or really to see if he heard you. He had the chronic disease of "fuck around and find out" and it usually showed when he decided to go investigate. You couldn't understand it for the life of you, especially after he lost his right eye to a villain attack. He fucked around and found out.

Once you were done in the bathroom, you made your way back to your bedroom, practicing making silent foot steps at your normal speed as you did everyday. If you didn't you almost always got your ass beat to a pulp. But you couldn't let that happen now. Because now, you were 5 months pregnant with twins. They were relatively small for this time in the pregnancy, which gave you mixed feelings. On one hand, thank god them bitches weren't heavy. But on the other end--




You were so caught up in your thoughts that you completely forgot about the creaky floor. Fear flooded your veins as you froze for a moment before you heard a deep growl of anger.


In a panic, you spread your bat-like demonic wings and flew down the hall, more panic filling your blood as you heard a window shatter into pieces. Well, now you know he's awake. Problem is; daddy dearest is currently hunting you down for even leaving your room before the sun came up. You could make out small flares of light from down the hall in front of you. Quickly, you swooped down, thanking your short stature for quite literally saving your ass as you watched the giant shards of glass shatter into hundreds of smaller pieces.

"Good morning to you too, father." you barely mumbled, soaring back into your bedroom. Quickly, you snatched your pre-packed duffle bag and a small backpack full of cash and made and threw them out the window before you made your way back to the door. With a slow deep breath, you opened a small fiery opening into your pocket of hell, quickly pulling out a black kunai knife with a blood-red ribbon wrapped around the handle.

Almost as if time were moving in slow motion, Akira swung the door open, his shards of glass making shape around his sides and ready to attack on command. The moment you saw him, you shot your knife into his side three times before he could move.

"YOU LITTLE WHORE!" he yelled to the top of his lungs, holding his side as you dashed past him, trying your hardest not to hurt your twins in the process. More glass shattered and chased after you as you made your way down stairs. You let out a scream on the bottom step as one piece of glass sliced your wing near the base, making you stumble hard. You quickly caught yourself on the bottom floor, desperately throwing yourself against a wall.

You soon found your balance and flapped your wing lightly to test it. You winced in pain and sighed. 'It'll have to do.' You thought to yourself as you rushed to the door. You could hear his labored breathing as he stumbled down the stairs. Without looking back, you snatched a blanket from a closet you know he never touched, and left. You jolted as glass shards made hard thuds in the front door as you shut it just in time.

You sighed, wiping your now soaked hair out of your face and flew around the house to where your bags laid in the bushes. You pulled the bags up and flew off into the night, feeling thankful for three things:

1. You survived another night.

2. You spent that extra money, investing in waterproof bags.

3. The cold rain which soothed the burning cut on your wing.

With a soft sigh, you landed on the balcony of the abandoned-looking building Dabi currently lived in. Dabi stepped around a corner with a bright blue flame covering his hand as he looked ready to attack. Once he noticed it was you, he hurriedly rushed you inside, more scared for your health than anything. This wasn't new for him as he often took you in when your father- ahem adoptive father got too angry and it became too dangerous for you to live there.

"C'mon Sleepy, let's get you dry and warm." He mused in his dry voice, trying to sound calm despite how worried he really was.

"Thank you, Touya.." you muttered, too tired to give a proper response as he carried you in.

"What was it this time?" He asked, knowing it had to be something you did for you to rush over "at the ass crack of dawn", his words.

"Creaky floor." You said with a pitiful chuckle. Dabi huffed a chuckle of his own and set you down in a low-hanging hammock full of pillows before he walked over to his own bag of clothes. It was then that you noticed you interrupted him from his own shower.

"Sorry," You started with a sigh. "for interrupting your shower."

"It's fine, I'd just hopped out when I heard you coming." He replied, changing into some casual clothes. You kept your face turned away from him to give him some privacy while he changed. He came back over with some bandages and gauze. He cleaned your wound, pulling the leftover shards of glass and burning them in his palm. He added some medicine to the gauze and held it on your wing, pressing down on the wound to stop the bleeding. He wrapped the wing in bandages and helped you set it down to gently hang over the side of the hammock.

With that, Dabi retired to his own bed, contemplating his next move. Finally, he concluded; it's time to call hawks.

♛Aight cy'all♛

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