♕Ch. 8 Trials & Tribulations♕

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- Slight anxiety
- Unnecessary bullying (playful)
- Mall shooting near the end

Y/n pov:

You looked at Dabi concerned and confused. He seemed fine when you texted him like 5 minutes ago. Why does he seem so stressed now? You knew Shiggy was a big ass baby in an adult man's body. It was common knowledge. Or rather, it became common knowledge after Dabi left the LOV when they threatened to kill you just to get him to do the jobs he wasn't feeling. He took down everyone in the LOV when they tried to hold him back from leaving and never coming back. No one liked meeting up with the appendage-obsessed bluenette. But that never seemed to get him this forlorn.

"You gonna tell me why I had to drag my ass up three flights of stairs without burning this whole building down by accident?" Dabi asked, pulling you out of your thoughts. You sighed and put your train of thoughts on the back burner for the moment.

"I'm a bit worried." You stated plainly.
"About what?"
"Why?" Dabi looked actually confused now. He usually pointed out how refreshed you'd look after a night with a man, but he hadn't said it this time, and you didn't know why. Not that you were going to question it, because it was always awkward when he did it anyway.
"Well, he ate me out and basically dry-humped me, though I'm not sure that you could call it 'dry' per se."
"Okay, okay, okay, too much info!" He spoke out, cutting off the oversharing. Sure, he could be crude when he wanted, but this was too serious to be in the middle of a kiss & tell session. "What's the problem? He got to get off with someone else, and you got a boost." He spoke matter-of-factly. You shook your head.
"I mean, yeah, but he seemed a bit too expressive for who he is. I mean, this man is the women's heartthrob all across Japan, with a reputation for speed and charisma. But anyone worth two grains of salt can see his mask when he puts it on. We know he's good at hiding his emotions and schooling his face. He's the Commission's lap pup."
"That's a little harsh, Sleepy." Dabi tried to appeal to your emotionless berating by using your pet name that he'd given you after a solid week of coming home to you passed out on his couch. Weeks like that one often happened when you skipped out on your "meals".

"You know it's true, Touya." You replied, making eye contact again. You suddenly grunted and shifted positions as one of the twins kicked your kidney. Dabi shook his head and motioned you to turn your back. Thankfully, your large tub was circular, so you didn't have to sit awkwardly with your legs bunched up against your belly. You turned your body and relaxed against the curved wall of the tub. Dabi dipped his hands in the warm water for a bit before pulling them out and starting to massage your shoulders and neck.

"I can't say it's not true, but I don't want my friend beating a man's name into the ground when he's not able to defend himself. He went through a lot, being their pet, y'know." Dabi finally spoke while you relaxed further into his touch. His warmth permeated through your entire body, releasing even the restlessness of your babies. All three of you calmed at his touch. It was hard to believe those hands were stained with the blood of anyone when he regarded you with the gentleness of a guardian most of the time.

"I think I just don't understand how he's suddenly so expressive with me. It's weird. I almost feel like I'm being set up or trapped. I hope Akira's not in on this." You muttered the last sentence as you ran your soapy hand across your forehead in a stressed manner.
"Akira's never met him before. I think you'll be fine. He's expressive around you because that's what being around you does to people."
"What do you mean by that?"
"You carry this air about you that almost feels homey. It's like, despite having cat pupils thinning at someone you don't trust, everything else is saying 'Don't panic. It'll work out.' It's very relaxing. Like you live to give those who were never accepted in society, or anywhere that mattered, a place where they're guaranteed to be accepted for being themselves."

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