Chapter 1

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Hi everyone this is my first time writing a story so excuse my grammar :) hope you all enjoy it..
Christians P.O.V.

"Did she just say the word pregnant" I say to my self over and over in my head. "Your pregnant!!?" I spit horrified "how did this happen?" "was it on purpose?" All these questions running through my head I can't bare it an I snap!! "Fuck this" I say an bang so hard on the counter ana jumps. I get up an leave without saying another word grabbing my coat as I leave.

How could this happen? I think to my self as I make my way down the Seattle streets. "How can I be a father?" I never thought in my wildest dreams (oh are my dreams wild) a situation like this!! She pregnant!! With my child!! Our child? I question the word "child" again and again in my head!!

Could I do this? What kind of father would I be?? I need these questions answered so I find myself outside good oul Dr Flynns office he should be able to answer my questions right?

I give a good ring on the buzzer no answer "shit" I say too load as a women walks by looking. Where can I go to get these questions answered? So I set off again just walking and thinking.

I don't know how long I've being walking minutes hours? But I hear a voice I recognise "christian" all of a sudden I turn and realised I'm outside esclava! "Elena?"

"Yes dear why are you walking around alone sweetie?" Should I tell her?? I think for a nanosecond "Just a bit of business not going well, I needed abit of alone time" her expression changes "would you like to go for a drink and talk about it?" Will I or won't I? Am I betraying ana by going for a drink with Elena? I know she a hard limit for ana but it's only one drink....

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