Chapter 4

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Ana'a P.O.V

"Since when does Christian get drunk?" I say to myself he hates drunks. "You feel beautiful in silk anastasia, I wonder wants underneath" he says as he playfully try's to grab me "oh no you don't grey" he looks shocked as I say the word "no". "What am I going to do with you Mrs.Grey you shall be the death of me one day" I'm taken back by his words an I simply say "Just not today grey"

I throw his heavy torso on our bed and start to strip him in a low grumble I hear "that's more like it, I love u ana" my heart sinks about he lies before me the man of my dreams everything I could want in a man all rolled into one and his all mine. I put my hand on my stomach "that's your daddy lil blip, his not usually like this his a real gifted man an will love you no matter what".

As I take his pants off I grab his coat an go to hang them on the arm chair by the bed when his phone falls out I pick it up and unlock it. I take a quick look at the messages I see the one from me is unread, then I see a name that catches my eye the message is also unread. It's from her that botch tramp cunt Elena!! I'm that shocked I let they phone falls as it makes a little tudd Christian mumbles something an turns on his side I barley make out what he said but I think it was "I love our baby" our baby?

Back to this message I say to myself I open it an try my hardest to hold back the tears it's reads "that was a nice chat dear, everything will turn out for the best with work an you will be the best father one can be when the times right. E"

He told her!!! He fuckin told her!! I can't believe this, the whole room is spinning I need to sit down. I fumble to the chair an with shaky hand I forward the message to my phone an put his back in his coat. I cant believe he went to that bitch, out of all the people in Seattle he goes to her!! I'm fuckin furious!!!

He surely wouldn't do this on purpose?? Would he?? He knows she a hard limit for me, what she did to him I will never come to terms with he was 15 for Christ sakes!!! She should be locked up an tortured everyday but she would probley like that!! But I have to pull myself together for our blip.

I stand walk to Christian an rub my hand down his face, he looks so peaceful but he still had a "chat" with that women, but I still love him no matter what. I just need time to think where do I go? My old room? The playroom? No none of the above. So I grab some spare sheets an pillows out of the laundry room an head for the library.

As I set my little bed on the sofa I think of that one fun time Christian and I had in here on the billard table, oh how that was fun all bent over waiting and wanting, I would sure love to play another game soon very soon. See il always have those thoughts but only for Christian.

With all this said it always winds up with him going to that women to talk to!! Why could he not have stayed an talk to me?? We can work through this, I think of all the stuff we have done together and all the stuff we still can do. Getting sleepy so decided to forward bitch faces text to Christians phone with a piece of my own mind "I would really love to know why this person would be texting you saying nice chats but we can talk about all in good time. Love your WIFE". I hit send.

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