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Hello! This is a brief intro before jumping in. It's been many years since I wrote fan-fiction and even that wasn't shared at all. So, this will be my first ever fan-fic that will be shared. Xiao and Aether are my current obsession from the game Genshin Impact (if you're a player, I'd love to friend you! Message me your UID and I'll send off a friend request! My character name is Suya).

Along with Xiao I have a ton of other ideas and pairings that I'm excited to explore and will likely put up here on Wattpad. I also have a discord dedicated to Genshin Impact and is also where I'm putting my fan-fic writing. So, if you have discord and want to be a part of the fun, message me :) 

As with everything that I do, romance is a large part of my writing, secondary to the plot of course, but for my fan-fics, the romance is definitely going to drive the story. That said, there will also be R rated scenes that I'll be writing. This is simply an FYI. 

Currently, Genshin and this newly inspired fan-fiction has been a huge de-stressor for me. Things in life have not gone so well and I've found writing and enjoyment in writing to be... hard. So, I hope you enjoy what I've written as it's been a long time since I've had such enjoyment. 

Without further ado! I hope you enjoy :) I have enjoyed writing it thus far and I'm looking forward to adding more.



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