To Fool an Abyss Herald

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Diluc's tavern was bustling in the morning. It was crowded with what seemed like the entirety of Mondstadt shoved inside. The bartender worked diligently and the smell of food filled the air. Overlapping chatter mixed together into indiscernible noise.

On the second floor, at the far end, Aether, Thoma, and Xiao were seated, waiting for the red haired man to join them. Paimon hovered over Aether's shoulder, her gaze jumping around as she kept an eye out for their companion.

"Diluc!" Paimon's shrill voice lifted above the din of conversation around them. She bobbed up and down, waving toward the staircase. Aether looked over to see Diluc making the landing to the second floor.

Crossing the distance swiftly, Diluc joined the four of them. He looked to the banister that rounded the edge of the upstairs balcony, a frown on his face.

Aether glanced over but of course didn't see anything of note. "Something wrong?"


"What? But... how?"

Diluc glanced at Paimon who was too distracted trying to look for the blue haired, mischievous Knight Captain. Aether caught it though and shook his head as he continued. "We didn't see the Knights at all since coming to Mondstadt."

Diluc sighed. "That man is a pest."

"But... Paimon thought you two got along?" Paimon said carefully.

Diluc frowned, but didn't say anything. "It doesn't matter. This is my problem and I will take care of it. No matter what he thinks he's doing to 'help'."

"We're helping, though?" Thoma chimed in.

Diluc ignored him. Aether tried, and failed, to stifle his smile and soft laugh as Thoma looked a little put out at the cold shoulder suddenly given to him. Xiao simply sat back in his chair, crossed his arms and put on his usual dark look of annoyance. Perhaps a little impatience too.

Aether cleared his throat and decided to turn the conversation to more important things. "What's the plan for the Abyss Herald?"

"I've planted the bait already. Signs that I'll be taking a trip up Dragonspine for some rare ingredients to use at my winery. I'll be going alone by all accounts. The Herald won't realize that I'll be bringing help," Diluc explained.

"Using yourself as bait again..."

"I'm the one they want, it would be stupid to use someone else. And low. The Knights however..."

Aether grimaced as Diluc's tone took on a" sharp edge. One of rage that had long since been boiling inside him. His dislike for the Knights of Favonius ran deep. Aether never pried into why, though at times like this he always wondered and thought to ask, but never did.

"That... doesn't sound like something a knight would do." Thoma said softly.

"The Knights do a lot of things they're not supposed to," Diluc returned.

Thoma didn't reply. Aether held his breath as the tension at their table had abruptly increased with Diluc's temperament. After a moment of silence, Aether finally spoke. "Okay. So we go up Dragonspine. You have a location, I assume? And where do you want us to go?"

Diluc sat back in the chair and dug into his coat. Withdrawing a folded map, he opened it up and spread it neatly across the table. It took a moment, but Diluc finally reached over and traced his finger on the western most part of Dragonspine. "I'll be going here. From what I remember there are some ruins there. It's not too high into the mountain to incur more, unnecessary dangers, but just far enough up to make my trek look authentic-"

Diluc shifted to another part a bit further west. A small body of water was mapped out, nestled right up against the mountains baseline. "If you follow this pathway, it will bring you in front of me, effectively cutting the Herald off. I will start an hour before you. Wait that hour before you make your way over."

"An hour? Are you sure?" Aether asked. He bit his lower lip as he pondered over the plan. "The mountain is dangerous. Even for seasoned adventurers like me."

"I've been to Dragonspine plenty of times, trust me," Diluc answered without hesitation. "In order to catch the Herald off guard, we have to do it like this."

"You have me, there is nothing to worry about. I will keep you safe, Aether." Xiao said suddenly.

Aether's face turned red. His stomach twisted and his chest felt full of butterflies. To hear his lover promise to protect him was still almost too much to process at times. Aether did enjoy how it made him feel though. Even if the original concern was for Diluc and not himself. If Diluc thought anything of the words Xiao had said, he didn't give any indication.

"Then. Are we agreed?" Diluc asked.

The soft sound of a coin being flicked took everyone's attention. Xiao glared as he leaned forward and the beginnings of black smoke curled around his shoulders. Paimon let out a shrill gasp as all eyes went to the man who'd walked over to them with the air of confidence only the one-eyed Knight Captain could exude.

"I agree. But only if I get to tag along," Kaeya said as he caught his flicked coin and flashed a wicked grin at the group.

"You eavesdropper! That's not fair!" Paimon shouted, stomping her foot in air.

"Come now. How would I ever get anything done if I didn't listen to what's going on around me?"

Paimon puffed up her cheeks, crossed her arms and looked away. Aether sighed as he put his hand on Xiao's arm to calm the yaksha. "It's alright. I'm sure Kaeya will be valuable help."

Diluc growled, the sound low and at the back of his throat. "Do what you want," he finally stated and abruptly stood. The chair scrapped loudly from his harsh treatment. He left the map on the table as he turned to face Kaeya. "Noon today. Remember. One hour."

"Right. Be safe, Diluc," Aether said.

Diluc shoved past Kaeya who simply took the sharp crash of their shoulders without complaint. His smile remained as he waited for the red-head to go down the stairs before he slid into the spot Diluc had been occupying

Leaning forward, he braced his head against his propped up arm and his smirk widened even more.

"Care to fill me in?"

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