Healing Confessions

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Xiao watched Aether's sleeping face intently. The room he'd taken residence in with Aether was silent and had been that way since the day before. Xiao hadn't left Aether's side since finding him injured so badly that he hadn't woken up. The night before, Zhongli and Thoma had arrived with medicines to help Aether heal. Since then, however, it had just been Xiao and Aether -though occasionally Paimon made an appearance.

Rays of sunlight filtered into the room from the window, streaking out over the sparse furniture and the bed. The golden light illuminated Aether's face. Slowly, Xiao leaned closer to Aether. The glow made Aether look all the more beautiful. Gently, the yaksha brushed the back of his fingers across Aether's cheek. When the Traveler didn't move from the touch, Xiao shifted closer.

So deeply in sleep, it gave Xiao a bit more confidence as he looked Aether over. Beautiful. It was the only thing he could think to describe the young man with. Xiao lightly stroked a strand of stray hair along Aether's forehead. Brushing the blond lock aside, he moved his hand from the fringe to the long thick braid that lay curled across the pillows.

Lifting the braid in his hand, Xiao caressed it carefully. Aether's hair was soft and smooth beneath his fingers. Aether inhaled deeply, startling Xiao out of his thoughts. He dropped the long braid and straightened so that he wasn't looming over Aether.

The yaksha waited patiently, watching as Aether slowly came to. Deep golden colored eyes met Xiao's briefly. Aether turned his gaze away as he looked around. The confusion that painted his face was to be expected. After all, he'd been in Inazuma for quite some time before his injury. Xiao stayed silent as he watched.

After a while, Aether finally spoke. "Where am I?"

"Liyue," Xiao answered matter-of-factly. "Wangshu Inn to be exact."

"How? I..." Aether groaned and reached up to press the palm of his hand to his temple. Wincing, he watched Xiao expectantly.

"Paimon. And your... friend, Thoma, helped."

"But why are we in Liyue?" Aether started to get up as he continued, "I have to get back-"

Xiao put his hands on Aether's shoulders and pushed him back down to the mattress. "You nearly died," he said and his tone was sharper than he'd intended.

Aether stared in shock. "Xiao... I-"

"No," Xiao didn't care what Aether might have said next. His heart raced as he held Aether down, his grip probably too tight but he couldn't think of that just yet. "You could have been killed! What would I have done if you died? So far from me... I didn't want you to go. You shouldn't have gone!"

In his anger, Xiao missed the fact that Aether's face was starting to turn a pale shade of red. "I'm sorry, Xiao," Aether replied softly. His voice was affectionate and happy. It confused Xiao. "I didn't mean to scare you. I certainly didn't mean to get into trouble either."

"Trouble? Dying is trouble? This is what is wrong with you humans," Xiao snapped and released Aether to sit back and cross his arms as he glared out the window on the other side of the room.

Aether struggled upright. Once he was close enough, he reached out for Xiao tentatively. Xiao didn't move, but he didn't look at Aether either. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't take it lightly. It was dangerous, but I am okay now."

Xiao grumbled wordlessly to himself. Aether smiled. After a moment of silence, the yaksha spoke up again, though his voice was soft and full of irritation, "You should have taken me with you."

"I... didn't think you would want to go with."

"Why would I not?" Xiao turned to look at Aether, his voice hardened again with anger. "I'd have kept you safe!"

That same pale red coloring bloomed across Aether's cheeks and stretched to his ears. "Xiao..."

This time, Xiao caught it and slowly what he'd said finally began to regsiter with him. He stiffened, eyes going wide and his own brilliant blush beginning to take over his face. He opened and closed his mouth several times, words clearly failing him.

A sharp knock came at the door and it swung open a moment after. Xiao shot to his feet, black smoke beginning to curl around his body. The mask that hung at his side faded and transfered to cover his face. His spear came into his hand as Thoma stepped into the room.

"Hey, how is he-" Thoma froze in the doorway at the sight of Xiao's defensive stance. His gaze shot to where Aether was seated upright in bed and he swallowed dryly.

"Um... is this a bad time?"

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