The Insatiable Yaksha

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Two days spent in Mondstadt waiting for Diluc to redo his plans had gone by in a breeze. Paimon and Thoma had spent the majority of their time visiting the local restaurants, often becoming too full to do much else. Xiao spent his time near the lake where it was quiet and the wind was cool. Aether had joined him many times, but did keep busy with local adventurer requests too.

The Inn they stayed at was nice. The beds were comfortable and the rooms cozy. Paimon had taken to spending the nights with Thoma, much like she'd done while they were traveling from Liyue to Mondstadt.

At first, it had been strange to not have the little fairy close by as she'd always been before, but Aether had gotten used to it, especially since these nights, as of late, were spent in Xiao's warm embrace.

This night was no different. Xiao's was certainly passionate when it came to expressing his feelings toward the Traveler. The hot kissing was indeed an indicator of how much the yaksha enjoyed it. Aether could hardly keep up.

Hot and worked up, he clung to his lover as Xiao did whatever he wanted. Soft pants of air expelled between them as Xiao ran his warm tongue over Aether's neck. The Traveler shuddered in pleasure.

Xiao's hands wandered, teasingly playing at Aether's chest, pinching and twisting occasionally each of the hardened nipples. Aether moaned, back arching every time. Xiao loved the sounds, thus he did it more and more.

Breathing hard, Aether ran his hands across Xiao's back, then up over his shoulders and down his arms. Xiao let out a low hum of pleasure, enjoying the soft gentle touch of his lover. Xiao shifted and took Aether's mouth against his. He slipped his tongue past the Traveler's lips and dipped into his mouth. Each stroke of his tongue brought a moan at the back of Aether's throat.

When they parted, Aether was out of breath. He gazed up at Xiao hovering over him. The moonlight that streamed through the small window made the yaksha look even more ethereal.
"Xiao..." Aether panted, his face red and burning.

Xiao's cheeks reddened as well as he gazed down at Aether. His lips parted as his eyes wandered from Aether's face down to the rest of his naked body beneath. Biting his lower lip, Xiao ran his hands along Aether's thighs gently. "Yes?" He finally asked, his voice coarse with desire.

"I-I..." Aether stumbled. He hadn't expected Xiao to ask a question. He looked away and hid his embarrassment behind his arm. "I'm..."

"Close?" The way Xiao said the word, so soft yet heavy at the same time sent a pulse of heat straight down Aether's spine.
He swallowed and nodded, not trusting his voice to speak. Aether chanced a quick look when Xiao was quiet. The yaksha was seated on his knees, his eyes roaming Aether's body. The sight served to arouse Aether even more. He moaned as he tried not to wiggle beneath Xiao.

"Roll over," Xiao said.

Aether gasped, his thoughts running wild as to what it was Xiao might do to him next. It was hot just thinking about it. With a half stifled moan, Aether did as Xiao said and shifted around so he was on his stomach. The new position brought on entirely new sensations. The bed against his arousal was enough to make him moan as he lay there and tried to stay still.

Aether brought his hand to his face and put a finger between his teeth. With the other, he clenched the sheets tightly. Xiao's hands on his hips caused Aether to jolt. Following Xiao's lead, he slowly got up on his knees, presenting Xiao with an easy access to more pleasurable areas.

Aether panted hard, soft moans escaping him every so often despite Xiao not doing anything other than getting into a new position. Xiao's voice was soft as he let out a long sigh of pleasure. He ran his slender hands along Aether's legs, enjoying the way the Traveler trembled at the touch.

He moved closer, trailing his hands along Aether's shuddering body. Leaning forward, he ran one hand up Aether's side and began massaging his chest. With the other he toyed with Aether's arousal.

The Traveler jolted at the sudden touching, his knees spreading apart farther and his hips moving almost on their own. He let out a loud moan as Xiao played with him in long, slow strokes.

Tight pinches of his nipple sent waves of hot pleasure straight to his groin. Xiao's stroking hand didn't stop and everything seemed to meld together in a burning pit of hot desire. Aether's voice was loud as he cried out, his body overwhelmed with ecstasy.

Then, Xiao's hand moved from between his legs and caressed a new area. Aether moaned, almost in distress for the loss of stimulation, but also in need of what Xiao might do next.
He tightened his grip on the sheets with both hands now as Xiao's fingers pressed slowly. He took his time gaining entrance. Aether shuddered as Xiao slipped inside, deeper and deeper.
Moaning at every slow thrust, Aether was on the edge. His body wanted more, he wanted a release from the pent up pleasure building in his groin. Behind him, he could hear Xiao's soft breathing, the occasional groan of pleasure increased Aether's desires.

He wasn't sure how long Xiao played and teased him like this. Slow, purposeful thrusts of his fingers, occasional pinches of his nipple to stimulate even more need. When the yaksha finally withdrew, Aether nearly screamed with the tension he'd built up. As it was he could hardly keep still as he begged for more and moaned in protest.

Between Aether's crying voice, the sound of clothing being removed could be heard. If Aether heard it, he didn't acknowledge it. Xiao had worked him into a blind, pleasure filled frenzy.

It wasn't until Xiao's body lay across his back that Aether realized what was happening. He felt the pressure first, a slight pinch of pain as his lover entered him, then hot desire. Xiao moved slowly, his hips setting an infuriating slow pace that made Aether shake uncontrollably. He cried out, his voice ringing in the room as Xiao worked his lover into another wave of heat.

Xiao's breath puffed into Aether's ear as he held his lover closely. The longer Xiao thrust, the more intense his desire until even Xiao couldn't keep the pace. Pulling back, he lifted Aether with him, putting the Traveler on his lap whilst still keeping himself inside.

Aether didn't need any instruction. With Xiao's hands helping to keep him steady, Aether rocked his body. Finally able to get the friction he so desperately wanted, Aether moved quickly. Xiao moaned, his voice clipped as he wasn't ready for such fevered motion. He let Aether continue, his own body ready for a wonderful release.

Sliding his hands down Aether's chest, he reached the Traveler's thighs and spread his legs a bit more. The thrusts grew shorter, quicker, and Aether's moaning became clipped in preparation for his climax. Xiao ran his fingers along Aether's arousal, earning even more pleasurable gasps and sounds.

With a few more hurried thrusts, Aether's body went rigid. Xiao held his hips as he continued thrusting. Aether's cries were louder as he jolted with his climax. Each thrust Xiao gave him had Aether shuddering. Overstimulated, the Traveler grasped Xiao's thighs so tight there would likely be nail marks in the morning.

Finally, Xiao felt his release take over. He leaned forward, body shuddering as he came. He moaned softly, burying his face against Aether's shoulder. He held tight to his lover, then ran his tongue over Aether's skin right before biting down on his shoulder.

Aether moaned again, his body jolting, which in turned caused Xiao to gasp at the sudden motion after having released. They both stilled, letting the last waves of pleasure die down. Xiao let go of Aether's shoulder just as Aether let go of Xiao's thighs.
The room was filled with panting breaths, then the creak of the mattress as the pair collapsed into the sheets. Xiao curled up behind his lover, holding Aether firmly against his chest.

With a soft whisper, they fell asleep.

"I love you."

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