Almond Tofu

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Bird Song filled the air. Sunlight filtered through the trees at the base of Wangshu Inn. Steel sang as someone cut through nothing but gentle wind. Aether had found the strength to get out of bed and begin training again. Since having taken such a powerful, direct hit, he'd been unable to do much as of late.

Though, Xiao had definitely enjoyed taking care of him. In more ways than one. It had been several days since Aether had returned to Liyue with Thoma. Bedridden for most of it, Aether had a hard time simply letting someone else care for him. Xiao was certainly attentive and had shown a side of himself Aether didn't think he had.

The yaksha was quite taken with him, that much was very true. He was extremely protective too and did not care for Thoma all that much. Even though Aether had confirmed that Thoma had nothing to do with his near-death experience. It did little to sate Xiao's dislike.

Thankfully, Thoma didn't take it personally. So, the past few days had been spent with Thoma learning about Liyue via Zhongli, and Aether recovering under the watchful eye of his newfound lover. Xiao could certainly become insatiable when the mood struck him.

Aether paused, sword slowly lowering to his side as he recalled the past few nights with Xiao. A hot blush spread across his face as his memory took over. It was a miracle he'd healed up as well as he had thus far. Though that was likely more to do with Zhongli and the medicines he prepared than anything else.

Aether shook his head lightly and went back to his training. His body had become stiff and slowed from his long recovery. It wasn't good to be like this when he was constantly getting into fights while out seeking his sister and helping those around him. He needed to be ready for anything. More importantly, he needed to be strong enough to take on Raiden. Things in Inazuma were not good and with the Vision Hunt Decree still in effect, a civil war brewing, and Thoma so far from Ayaka...

Aether swung hard to the left, his body moving on instinct with how he was used to fighting. The strike that normally could mow down several hilichurls, sent a sharp stabbing pain straight down his torso. His sword arm went numb, and the blade hit the ground right before he did. On his knees, Aether clutched at his side and tried to breathe properly.


Xiao landed hard next to him. Wherever he'd jumped down from, it was clear he'd been keeping an eye on Aether. Gently, Xiao helped Aether sit up straight instead of remaining hunched over. His hand brushed over Aether's where the Traveler pressed against the throbbing that had taken over the sharp pain a moment ago.

Xiao made a face, his lips pulled into a frown. "You need to take it slow."

Aether let out a short unamused laugh. "I don't have that luxury. Besides. You don't take it easy."

"What does that mean?" Xiao asked, arching an eyebrow at him.

Aether blushed and looked away as he stuttered out the words, "Y-you know. You're... really, um, intense..."

Xiao stared for a while. Aether's face continued to burn a deeper red. The yaksha finally understood and he turned a brilliant shade of red as well. With eyes wide, he fought to figure something out to say in return, but nothing came to mind. Finally, after a long stretch of silence, Xiao's features turned from embarrassed to concerned.

Still blushing, he looked Aether over carefully. His voice was soft and almost hesitant as if he didn't actually want to know the answer to the question he spoke. "Did I... hurt you?" Slowly, Xiao began to withdraw, pulling away from Aether.

"What?" Aether was stunned by the question. "N-no! No, you didn't hurt me at all!" He turned to face Xiao. Taking the yaksha's hands in his he smiled. "This is just from what Raiden Shogun did. It's nothing you did."

"Then. What did you mean by saying I'm intense?"

Aether stuttered. His blush didn't fade, but he kept hold of Xiao's hands. "It was more a joke, really. Um... y-you are intense, but it's nothing bad. You have never hurt me. I promise."

Xiao lifted his gaze to Aether's. His yellow-golden gaze was sharp. "Would you tell me if I did?"

With a smile, Aether moved closer. "I would. I promise."

Xiao pulled one hand free of Aether's and cupped the side of the Traveler's face. The yaksha looked Aether over as if weighing his words. Xiao must have been satisfied because he crossed the short distance between them and kissed Aether. He continued his kiss for quite a while, even dipping his tongue in Aether's mouth. The tantalizing way Xiao kissed him stole Aether's breath and he melted under the yaksha's touch.

A gentle wind brushed over them, throwing leaves and petals in a flurry through the trees. Xiao finally pulled away and ran his tongue over his lips as he watched Aether recover from the passionate kissing much slower than he had.

With a reddened face, half-lidded eyes that were nearly engulfed by his pupil, Aether panted softly. "You really like doing that."

"You're sweet. Like almond tofu."

It took a moment before Aether registered the comparison. He smiled, then laughed. He drifted forward and was immediately pillowed by Xiao's chest and shoulder. His giggling persisted, to which Xiao slowly stiffened.


Aether snickered even more. "Almond tofu..."

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