A Promise in the Snow

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A sharp shudder shot straight down Aether’s spine and his teeth chattered. Even here, on the edge of the mountains precipice, the air was frigid.

“Need my cloak?” Kaeya asked cheerfully.

Xiao shifted his stride and put himself squarely between the meddling Knight Captain and his lover. His dark glare only served to amuse Kaeya who grinned back at the yaksha.

Aether sighed as they continued on their way. “I’ll be fine. Thankfully we stocked up before we left.”

“That is true, not all of us can just tuck ourselves away inside some strange dimensional space like Paimon does,” Kaeya said.

Aether ignored the comment and withdrew from a pouch on his belt a bottle with a burning red glow inside. The heat it generated instantly washed away the icy touch of Dragonspine’s weather. Aether let out a sigh as he held it close while continuing forward.

Xiao put his arm around Aether’s waist and kept close as well. Behind them, Thoma brought up their procession and Kaeya joined him when the fun of teasing the adeptis had run dry.

“This is an awful plan,” Xiao said suddenly.

Aether looked over at him, taking in the gorgeous yellow-golden eyes and the striking red outline along his eye lids that only added to his appeal. “You could have said that back at the tavern.”

“I doubt anyone would have listened. You least of all.”

Twisting the warming bottle in his hands, Aether tried to come up with a retort but nothing came to mind. Mostly because he knew that Xiao was right. Finally, he settled with a simple, “I’m sorry.”

The yaksha exhaled hard but it didn’t seem as if he were truly angry. Exasperated, definitely, but not angry. “Doesn’t matter now. I… do admire you, though.”

A blush crept across Aether’s face as his gaze settled on the increasing amount of snow covering the path they followed. “I’m not sure there’s something to be admired in someone who keeps getting into trouble.”

“You’re selfless. You put others before yourself. I… have a hard time doing that.”

“That’s not true. You saved Liyue. Not once, but many times. Even if those times aren’t a grand show of your power. You’ve accumulated a debt because of it. You keep your distance because you don’t want anyone hurt on your account. How is that selfish?”

Xiao was quiet and didn’t look over. Aether shifted the bottle so he had a hand free. With a bit of wiggling, he managed to wrap his arm around Xiao’s waist as well and pulled the yaksha tight against him. Leaning in close, Aether repeated, “It’s not selfish.”

“I don’t go out of my way to help on a whim,” Xiao finally said.

Aether smiled. “But you’re here, aren’t you?”

“This is different. I’m here for you. I hate humans.”

“That is a lie. You don’t hate humans. If you truly hated us, you wouldn’t have fallen in love with me.”

“You’re different,” the yaksha mumbled, but his argument was quickly falling apart and he knew it.

“Maybe a little, but I’m still human. Plus, there’s all kinds of wonderful things to enjoy. One of which is a favorite of yours if I remember.”

“This conversation is entirely not fair.”

Aether laughed. “Well, after this, let’s head back to Wangshu Inn and get some of that almond tofu you’re so fond of. I’ll even make it for you.”

Xiao tightened his grip on Aether’s waist. His eyes were wide and full of anticipation. If it were possible, Aether was certain the adeptis would have been sparkling. “You will?”

Another amused laugh rang out in the increasing fall of snow and dropping temperature. Aether held Xiao close as they trudged through the snow covered path, the bottle of fiery warmth held between them.

“I promise.”

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