The Geo Archon and the Yaksha

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Zhongli watched the young man pacing in front of him intently. His green hair with highlights of blue swept across his face every time he pivoted on his foot and went the other direction. Golden eyes were locked on the ground in front of him, his finger curled over his lip as he grimaced and muttered to himself. Zhongli sipped at the tea he held briefly before putting it down on the table next to him. The mountain air was refreshing and the sun warmed his back as it filtered through the leaves of the giant trees surrounding the abode of Cloud Retainer. Water rippled across the small lake, the shimmer of stark white rocks with swirling cloud designs were easily seen.

The beauty of the area and the usual calm were lost to Zhongli as he watched the adeptis pacing not but ten feet away. Xiao fidgeted with the oni mask at his side, it was made of black ceramic. The eyes of the mask held an eternal blue glow. The more Xiao paced, the more Zhongli grew worried. He cleared his throat, trying to catch the adeptis' attention. When it failed, he stood and crossed the distance between them.

Folding his arms over his chest, he stood in Xiao's path and waited. The young man who was fully committed to whatever worried him didn't notice the change at all and walked straight into Zhongli. Stumbling a bit, Xiao finally snapped out of his own thoughts and looked up at the god of geo.

"What is it that has you so worried?"

Xiao faltered, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to form words to answer, but found that he couldn't. Anger filled his face and he looked away. He stood still, glaring at the water next to them. Zhongli waited and the silence grew heavy until Xiao finally answered. "Something's wrong."

Zhongli arched a brow as he watched the young man. "What do you mean?"

Frustration filled Xiao's voice as he replied. "Something is wrong. I can feel it." As he spoke, he looked at his hands, flexed his fingers into fists and relaxed them several times over. "I can't... I can't get rid of this feeling. It's frustrating! Like I need to be somewhere, I just don't know where."

"How interesting."

"Interesting?" Xiao snarled the word, directing his anger at Zhongli in a cold glare.

Zhongli ignored it as he continued, "You have never showed interest in anything other than what I ask of you. This is most unlike you."

The anger faded and Xiao looked away. It was true though. He kept to himself, stayed away from everyone. Isolation was the only thing he knew and it was best for everyone too. His darkness was a contagion that he needed to keep a lock on. Yet, there was one that he had come to enjoy being with other than Zhongli. Upon first meeting the Traveler, Xiao had put up his usual cold shoulder, kept his distance, but as things unfolded in Liyue, the more he came into contact with Aether. The more he found he liked the young man's presence and even looked forward to it.

This feeling though, the one clawing at his chest was like a warning of something ill having happened. It wasn't a feeling Xiao was accustomed to. Yet, it was almost familiar. He struggled to pinpoint it. When had he felt such dread before? Xiao inhaled sharply and looked up, his gaze focused out across the distant clouds and mountain shapes. The battle against the ocean god Osial after he was released by a Fatui agent. Aether had fallen, unable to get to the Jade Chamber as the platform was destroyed. Xiao had moved quickly and without hesitation, catching Aether before he fell too far. Not long after that fight, Osial's wife Beisht, attacked the harbor.

The same sense of dread had filled Xiao at that time too, but he had been far from the harbor city and didn't know at the time what exactly had happened. By the time he'd traversed the distance, the fight had nearly come to a conclusion with Beisht retreating into her abode followed after by Shenhe alone. Xiao had found Aether lying amongst the rock in Guyun Stone Forest, and the waters raging around them. Though Aether was injured, it wasn't enough to keep him from joining the fight again. Xiao would have chided Aether, but he found he couldn't find the words or the means to confront him about risking his life.

Now, though, the same sensation clutched at his heart but this time, Aether was much too far away. He'd gone to Inazuma, despite Xiao's wishing for him not to. Though, it wasn't like he'd said such things to Aether. Instead he'd only bid him the usual, aloof farewell. Something he was beginning to regret.

"You have realized something," Zhongli stated, dragging Xiao out of his own thoughts.

"Aether," he breathed, and fear shook his voice. "Something is wrong with Aether."

The geo archon hummed deeply, his gaze focused on the ground near his feet. He frowned as he thought it over. "Come with me," he said and started toward the far side of Mount Aozang. Up on the top of the mountain was a waypoint, which is where Zhongli led them. He put his hand against the device and closed his eyes. Xiao waited, albeit impatiently.

After a moment, Zhongli withdrew his hand and turned to Xiao. "My statue in Bishui Plain was activated not long ago." Before Zhongli could say anything else, Xiao turned and thick dark smoke began to envelop him. In an instant, the adeptis disappeared, leaving behind a glitter of blue flakes mixed with the intensity of his dark energy. Zhongli simply watched for a moment before he too summoned his power and left Mount Aozang.

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