Return to Liyue

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The Geo Archon's statue loomed overhead. The male figure perched in a leisurely position, almost looked uninterested in anything. Sharp pants of exhaustion broke the still silence of the Bishui Plains. A low groan of pain came next.

"Did we make it?" Thoma's voice was shaking, full of uncertainty.

"I can't believe we made it!" Paimon's voice, high and shrill cut through the air like a knife.

"That was way too close for comfort." Thoma sat back on his knees and took in a deep breath. Getting to the waypoint in Inazuma had proven to be a lot more work than what he'd first thought. It was almost the instant after taking a step out of the Tea House that they were spotted. After that, it had been a mad dash to the waypoint. The amount of people he'd knocked down on the way... Thoma grimaced. He would have to make several apologies later. If there will be a later...

"Ooh! Paimon doesn't like this!"

She was hovering again, flitting around Aether's prone body in frantic worry. The journey to the waypoint had not been easy on him. The amount of jostling around had undone a lot of the work Thoma and Ayaka had put in to bandage him up. He looked worse than before. Thoma hurried closer. Putting a hand on Aether's face, he could instantly tell how hot the Traveler had become.

"How does this work?" Thoma asked, turning to look at the statue that was beside them.

"I... I don't really know?"

"Paimon!" Thoma's sharp tone hadn't been intended, but he couldn't help it. Aether was in serious trouble and he needed an answer.

"What have you done..."

Thoma whirled around to the voice that growled at him only to stop short at the tip of a spear held under his chin. He froze, hands slowly inching up to show the strange looking youth that he was unarmed. Dark green hair with hints of blue billowed in the slight breeze and a terrifying oni mask covered his face. Black smoke curled around the youth's shoulders and body. Where the eyes should be, the mask simply glowed a brilliant pale blue. The look was intimidating.

Behind the young man, someone else emerged from a golden swirl of magic. Dressed in extremely fine clothing, it was almost out of place for a man like that to simply walk among the group. His golden eyes took in the scene ahead of him and a slight frown pulled his mouth.

"Xiao! And Zhongli!" Paimon squealed. She rushed forward and put her hands on the masked man's spear. "Xiao, Thoma didn't do it! He's helping! But... why are you here all the sudden?"

Zhongli answered, his voice rich and smooth, "I felt the statue had activated. And Xiao has been restless."

Xiao stiffened. Slowly he pulled his spear away and reached up to remove his mask. The black smoke that had encompassed him began to dissipate. Yellow-gold eyes glowed briefly from behind the mask. Xiao put it away, letting it hang at his belt. Releasing his weapon, the spear shattered into a thousand flakes of energy that floated off into the wind.

Thoma moved aside as Xiao stormed past him and knelt down next to Aether. The yaksha gingerly brushed the back of his fingers against Aether's face. Looking over his shoulder, it was clear Xiao was angry. His dark glare was leveled at Thoma as he spoke. "What happened?"

Thoma swallowed dryly as he shook his head. "He saved me. I was set to have my vision taken by Raiden Shogun, but he jumped in just as she was taking it from me. But, when he confronted her, I... I lost sight of him. When they came back, he was on the ground, like this. I managed to get free before she could..." Thoma paused. Recounting his story wasn't making things better for Xiao.

"Thoma saved him when Paimon couldn't!" Paimon jumped in, putting herself between Thoma and Xiao in an attempt to get Xiao's attention. "But he's not getting better. They tried everything! Thoma thought if we brought Aether here to touch the statue that it might help."

Xiao reached down to one of the bandages that had come loose. As gently as he could, he pulled it back to see the wounds underneath. He flinched, letting go of the stained bandage as Aether made a noise of pain. Xiao changed his position and eased Aether up into his arms. Once he had hold of the Traveler, he stood and faced Zhongli.

"Help him, please," he demanded.

Zhongli gestured to the statue. "I will do all I can."

Thoma quickly climbed to his feet and got out of the way as Xiao moved closer to the statue. Paimon hovered behind them, watching with concern. Zhongli took Aether's hand and held it against the statue with his own. Golden light illuminated their hands and began to stretch out over Aether's body. Zhongli closed his eyes and generated more of his power.

The gold light turned steadily darker as it encompassed Aether. Xiao watched closely. From under the bandage he'd pulled aside, he could see the wounds beginning to close. He didn't celebrate the small miracle just yet as Aether still looked to be in pain.

Zhongli continued pushing his energy into Aether via the statue for a while longer. Slowly, Aether looked to relax in Xiao's arms. Finally, Zhongli let go and stepped back. If he was drained, he didn't show it. Xiao turned his attention to him.

"He will need to rest now," Zhongli said to Xiao, then turned to Thoma, "I should give my thanks to you for helping Aether. If not for you... well," he left it at that before continuing, "I require your help still. We will need a few things to help speed up the process for Aether."

"Anything!" Thoma didn't hesitate in replying. "I have to repay him somehow."

"Good," Zhongli said. "Xiao, take him to Wangshu Inn. I'll pay for the room."

Xiao nodded. He started toward the road not too far away from them. The walk to the inn wasn't far, but it was long enough. Paimon hurriedly followed behind before she paused and flipped back around to face Thoma and Zhongli.

"Wait! What do you mean you'll pay for the room? With what?"

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