Swirling Emotions

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Thoma had left the room only after calming Xiao down and leaving behind a small packet of medicine for Aether. Silence claimed the small space as Aether watched Xiao, a smile playing at his lips. The yaksha had a hand on his hip and there was a look of exasperation on his face as he stood there in the middle of the room. After a moment, he finally moved toward the dresser where Thoma had left the medicine.

"Is that medicine for you?" Aether asked. He recalled having brought something similar to Xiao many months ago. Zhongli had asked it of him and Paimon. Aether recalled that the special medicine was to ease Xiao's affliction of accumulated karmic debt.

"No," Xiao answered shortly.

"Is it for me?" Aether was genuinely confused. Though there was still a bit of pain left over from Raiden's powerful strike, he felt fine. It wasn't anything that he couldn't overcome with a good night's sleep now.

Xiao took a cup that was nearby and filled it with water. Then he dispersed the medicine into it and stirred it gently. He made his way back to the bed with the cup in hand and seated himself once more right beside Aether. Offering the cup, he waited expectantly.

Aether took the cup, but he gazed down at the pale purple colored water with a frown. "I'm not sure-"

"Zhongi went to great lengths to get this for you," Xiao said firmly. "Drink it."

There was no room for argument. Aether inhaled deeply then put the cup to his lips. It's always best to take medicine in one go... Aether thought. He tilted the cup back and took the drink in one shot. He swallowed quickly as the bitterness of it hit his tongue sharply. Putting the back of his hand against his mouth, he grimaced deeply as he handed the cup back.


"I didn't say it would taste good."

"You didn't say anything at all!" Aether pouted as he struggled to keep back another gag of disgust.

Xiao took the cup and went back to the dresser. "It will help you heal faster. Be sure to thank Zhongli."

Aether coughed lightly. "I will."

Xiao returned to the bedside and Aether shifted awkwardly. He glanced from Xiao to the doorway. The quiet stillness of the room had weight to it and Aether felt he was going to burst from it. After all, not but a few moments ago Xiao had been rather animated about keeping him safe. It was an idea that Aether hadn't thought about. He'd been on his own for a long time now, offering his assistance and protection to others but never once had he thought to have someone protect him.

That was his job. Even with his sister. Together they'd been a force to reckon with. Nothing could stand against them. Yet... with her gone things had been difficult. Aether wasn't weak, no - but there had been a few fights that had come far too close to his liking. Though this latest one with Raiden had definitely put it into perspective. 'Close' was an understatement.

"Something bothers you," Xiao spoke up suddenly, breaking into Aether's thoughts.

He blushed as he looked at the yaksha briefly then down to the mattress again where his gaze had finally settled a bit ago. "It's nothing."

"Tell me."

"I..." Aether hesitated, then heaved a long sigh as he gave in to Xiao's peircing gaze. "I was just thinking about what you said. How you would protect me. I'm not used to that. That's... that's my job. Or, at least it was. With Lumine we could take on anything. I'd never faltered before. I'd never failed. But, there have been a few times recently that this hasn't been true."

"Everyone falters at some point," Xiao said and he turned away.

"It's not just that. The god my sister and I encountered; she sealed my power, Xiao. Even though I think I'm getting it back, I always feel like I'm missing something."

"Your sister."

"Yes. But I think it's more than that. We traveled together, fought together..."

"You miss a companion?" Xiao looked up then.

Aether nodded. "When you said you would go with me, I couldn't help how excited I felt. I just never thought to ask because... well, I've done everything on my own this far. I've helped so much in both Mondstat and Liyue - and I would do it again - but having someone help me? And with more than just missing person posters," Aether added with a soft laugh. He played with the edge of the sheet covering his legs.

Xiao leaned in close suddenly. It took Aether by surprise. "I will help you." Xiao edged closer and Aether slowly backed away. "Take me with you."

"I-I-" Aether stuttered as Xiao shifted ever closer. Up on one knee, the yaksha was straddling over Aether with his hands on either side of the bed. His yellow-golden eyes were striking this close and full of determination.

"I'll keep you safe."

Aether bumped into the headboard of the bed. With nowhere else to go he was faced with Xiao looming in front of him and unable to look away. Heat spread across his face, burning at the tips of his ears as he stared at Xiao wide eyed. "Xiao... y-you're really close," Aether barely managed to get the words out of his tight throat.

"I need an answer," Xiao said just as firmly as before.

"I-I'll take you with," Aether said, his voice breaking slightly on the words.

Xiao exhaled as if he'd been holding on to that single breath of air for hours. His head fell forward and it was almost as if he was relieved to hear the words that Aether had spoken. Xiao reseated himself. Aether couldn't relax, not when the yaksha was still so close to him. Xiao hadn't given an inch when he sat back down.

Raising his head, Xiao met Aether's gaze. His face was dusted red, much like how Aether's was. "Thank you."

Aether nodded, unable to find his voice again. Xiao's blushing face began to turn a darker red as he suddenly twisted a part of the bedding beneath his fingers. He leaned in close again and Aether barely kept back the squeak of surprise.

"I'm..." Xiao paused, his gaze flicking between Aether's face and some spot on the ground next to him. "I'm glad you're okay," he finally finished. Xiao's nervous clenching of the bedspread stopped and he gripped it tightly instead. He leaned in faster than Aether was prepared for. Xiao's lips were soft against his, but the briefness of the touch of his mouth on Aether's made him think it hadn't happened at all.

Slowly, Aether reached up and touched his lips as Xiao straightened just as quickly and found a spot to stare at down on the floor again. The yaksha's face was fully red now, even his ears burned a bright red.

The short stretch of silence was broken by Xiao's nerves as he spoke quickly. "I don't know what came over me, I just wanted to-"

"Can you do it again?"

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