And the Ice Turned Crimson

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Crouched down, Aether led the way forward with sword in hand. Behind him, Xiao followed closely. It had been decided about halfway to their destination that it would be best to separate into two smaller groups when they engaged the Abyss Herald along with Diluc.

Ironically -or perhaps not- Kaeya had been the one to suggest it. With no argument between them, the decision was rather swift.

Taking the higher, and perhaps a bit more precarious side of the ruins, were Thoma and Kaeya whilst Aether and Xiao took the lower approach. Together, the yaksha and Traveler moved silently.

In a way, it felt strange to have Xiao beside him, preparing for a fight. Yet, at the same time it felt familiar. It was comforting to know that someone was going to be looking out for him. It reminded Aether of the journeys he and Lumine had been on before. So powerful together. So safe.

He took in a deep breath of the frigid air and cleared his thoughts. This wasn’t the time to be reminiscing. Ahead, there was a tall, but partially destroyed wall. It would be enough to cover their advance. Aether didn’t need to say a word as Xiao seemed to know what he was thinking too.

The pair pressed against the ruined structure and edged toward the pillar that marked its end. Finally at the spot they needed to be at, Aether turned his attention to the hillside. In the falling snow, it was hard to see anything up there. The trees were a nice cover though and despite Aether being unable to see Kaeya and Thoma, he trusted that they were in position too.

A low, hollow sounding laugh was almost colder than the snow. Aether froze briefly before shifting himself so he could peer out from behind the pillar. Carefully, he leaned just enough to see into the square opening ahead of him. The ruins were large and likely were once a building; but no more.

A flash of red caught Aether’s attention. Diluc stood in the face of his would be attacker, his huge claymore at the ready. The Abyss Herald walked slowly, as if sizing up his opponent. The dark clothes swirled in the brisk, icy wind.

“Foolish to come alone,” the Herald cooed.

Diluc didn’t reply, only watched and waited. A low hiss filled the air as the Herald stopped walking and turned slightly as he unveiled his weapons.

For a moment, Aether couldn’t breathe as he watched the Herald summon a book. The dark colors of his clothing were purple and black. “Oh no…” Aether breathed.

“What?” Xiao asked, his voice soft and his breath in Aether’s ear.

“That is an Abyss Lector, not a Herald.”

“Then we should interfere,” Xiao stated and summoned his mask to cover his face. Darkness swept over him. Aether stood from his crouched position and tightened the grip on his sword.

Just as the pair of them rushed into area, Diluc unleashed a massive bird of fire. The wings stretched nearly the entire length of the ruins. The Lector responded by summoning a string of purple lightning.

Xiao and Aether parted to avoid one such strike, but quickly came back together as they rushed the Lector. Leaping up, Xiao’s power filled the air. Crashing down on the Lector, the yaksha brought a torrent of wind and spears slamming into the rock.

Aether summoned his own power and with a slash of his sword, sent a blast of anemo in the form of a blade. The Lector chanted and the air crackled.

From behind, Diluc’s voice rose in fear. “Aether look out!”

Turning, he caught sight of the Herald they’d been expecting to fight, coming straight for him, blades extended from each arm. The Herald was fast, but Xiao was quicker. His spear collided with the Herald's weapons, keeping him from reaching Aether.
Ice shot out at the Lector as Kaeya and Thoma joined the fight too. With those two pairing off with the Lector, Aether turned his focus on the Herald.

Xiao shoved the Herald back, knocking it away only just. Aether moved swiftly, getting in close just before the Abyss Herald could recover. His blade made contact, cutting through toward the Herald’s torso.

The hair’s on the back of his neck stood and the air felt charged. Aether pulled back just as the Herald took a swing in retaliation. The tip of his blade caught Aether’s cheek, opening a shallow cut beneath his eye.

Lightning rained down. From the corner of his eye, Aether caught sight of Thoma taking a bolt. It flung him across the ruins and into the snow where Aether lost sight of him. His heart in his throat, Aether wanted nothing more than to go check on his friend, but the Herald in front of him wouldn’t be letting that happen.

Xiao shot past, his spear leading the way as he attacked viciously. His speed was frightening. Aether followed after him. He could hardly keep up with the strikes that Xiao landed and it seemed the Herald was hard pressed too.

An explosion changed everything. The Lector unleashed a powerful gush of energy. Aether shouted as it stung painfully across his whole body. Xiao collapsed next to him. Struggling to stand, Aether just barely managed to keep the Herald's weapon from hitting him.

The strike jarred his arm and was enough to take him to the ground. Aether felt as if his energy had been sapped from him. The Herald loomed over him. Xiao groaned as he put his spear into the ground to help get his body upright.

Aether lifted his sword and the Herald swiped it aside. The next strike came swift, but instead of getting hit, he felt a warm body collide with him. A splash of liquid spread across Aether’s face. Xiao’s cry of pain as he took the strike across his back put a dread cold straight through Aether’s heart. He clutched Xiao as the pair of them were tossed to the ground.

Fire ignited and the Herald's attention was taken from them. Aether grasped his lover tightly. “Xiao?” his voice shook.

A groan only slightly eased the terror clutching his heart. The mask returned to Xiao’s waist and his dark power faded. It was short lived as he moved, trying to get upright with Xiao sprawled across him. Blood soaked Xiao’s back and Aether trembled.

The Lector began to rise, a brilliant glowing light started to swirl around him. Aether knew he couldn’t move fast enough, if at all. His attention shifted to the Herald abruptly as he caught sight of Diluc struggling to get up.

The Herald went straight for him, his bladed arm pulled back in preparation to run him through. Aether couldn’t find his voice to scream.

Kaeya rushed to cover the short distance between him and Diluc, and skidded to a halt in front of the red-head. The Herald didn’t stop. With a sharp swing, Kaeya shoved the initial strike off to the side but the crystal white snow beneath him told Aether the Herald hadn’t entirely missed.

Blood splattered and Kaeya’s face reflected the hit. Grimacing, he shot forward, ice exploding out from his weapon. The Herald swung again in rapid succession, and surprise took over the Knight Captain. Kaeya stumbled and a burst of crimson coated the snow.

Aether choked as Kaeya fell, his chest and clothing covered in blood. Diluc dropped his weapon and reached for Kaeya. The Lector’s chanting echoed eerily in the building snow storm.

“By Holy proclamation… the power of revelation!”

The ground gave a loud, ominous crack. Aether gasped as he watched the ruins crumble and the earth give way. Diluc and Kaeya dropped first and soon he felt his stomach twist at the sensation of weightlessness.

Clutching Xiao tightly, they fell into darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2022 ⏰

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