Begin the Blitz

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It had been a few days since everything happened. Since the group learned everything about Novae.

She had been alive to ten thousand years, fighting for all that time.

She had died thousands of times protecting the universe and had so many traumatic events.

She lost so many important people to her. Friends and comrades.

She suffered through so much and had been waiting for the end of this war for so long.

She had not even back to her planet in all that time, constantly moving to keep her very existence as Novae a secret, staying under the identity as the Blue Star.

She had to sacrifice and hide so much, just for the sake of the universe.

During the past few days, Novae had spent most of the time re-cooperating, sleeping and talking with the others. They would talk mainly about trivial things, and Novae would even reveal more about her family. It was a way for her to finally open up about her past just a little bit more.

Novae understood that they were Paladins of great skill, and with the Lions of Voltron helping protect them from the Galra, it made Novae feel even more secure knowing that they would be safe.

She constantly thought that it was finally time to let go of her fear and just let it all out. Though, she still had to let out her anger in some way.


About three days after Novae revealed all of her secrets, she met with the group in the lounge. Everyone was a little surprised that Novae called them. They would actually just go to her room and talk for a while, so being called by Novae herself to talk was a step in a direction to her recovery.

When they were all gathered in the lounge, Novae came through the door in her true form, markings and hair color all included.

"Thank you for gathering here." Novae said with a calm smile. The group was a little surprised, since they hadn't seen her in her natural form very often.

"I know that this has been a very confusing and confusing time, but I just wanted to thank you for your support these past few days. I'm grateful for having you all as friends and comrades." Novae said, and gave everyone a small bow in her thanks.

"We're grateful for you, too, Novae." Pidge said, "Or, do you prefer Novaleyia?"

Novae chuckled, "No, no, no. There's no need to call me by my full name. Novae is just fine. I made a promise a long time ago I wouldn't take back my name until I could be crowned Empress."

"Well, then, what about Your Highness?" Lance joked, causing everyone to laugh.

Once they calmed down a little, Novae walked over to Allura.

"Allura, there's something I wanted to say to you personally." Novae said. Allura nodded and stood up, prepared to take whatever punishment would come to her.

But as soon as Allura stood up, she was thrown back to the couch as Novae slapped her hard across the face. Everyone jumped at the sudden slap, but they intervene. Deep down, everyone knew that Allura deserved that slap, and even Allura knew it. She sat on the couch clutching her stinging cheek.

"Believe me, Zaurelia wanted me to do much worse to you." Novae said in a disappointed tone, "She says that you deserved much more than that for taking her away from me and putting my life at risk because of your stupidity and blindness. And honestly, I agree with her. You could've calmly asked and we could've sat down to talk about why I kept everything a secret. And yet, you tore away what was precious to me, and you had even taken the one thing I have left of my mother and father. What you did is unforgivable. And I don't know if I can ever forgive you, princess."

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