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Dorothy: "I'll take a double chai latte, half caf, whipped cream and a..." she trails off, looking towards Elizabeth who leans against the counter, moving her eyes around the room

Elizabeth: "Oh, um...I'll just take a caramel frappuccino. Thanks."

Waiter: "Coming right up."

Dorothy: "Thank you again for coming out to meet me." she smiles, moving to sit at a table

Elizabeth: "Well, it's not like you gave me any choice. Standing outside my job and all. Just lucky you don't know where I live."

Dorothy: "I'm sorry about that. It's just I didn't have your number but I've seen you on TV during news reports and..."

Elizabeth: "It's fine." she sighs, waving her off

Dorothy: "So...I'm sure you've gotten the results by now."

Elizabeth: "Yes, I have."

Dorothy: "I don't know if I ever said it to you but...I am so sorry for what Cole-"

Elizabeth: "Don't. Don't say his name."

Dorothy: "Okay" she nods "I am so sorry for what they did to you. You didn't deserve that. Co-he" she quickly corrects "Should've treated you better" she sighs, shaking her head "I remember the first day the two of you met. He was so excited to tell us all about his new friend. Truth be told I always envisioned you two getting married." she lightly chuckles as Elizabeth nods, pursing her lips

Elizabeth: "You said you had something you wanted to talk about?"

Dorothy: "Right. Right. I'm sorry. It's just...it's hard to not talk to you like I used to. Before everything."

Elizabeth: "I understand. It's just I only have a little bit of time before work so..."

Dorothy: "Right, of course. You are a big shot detective now."

Elizabeth: "Semi-detective. I'm on probation."

Dorothy: "Hmm" she smiles "Well, anyways I wanted to talk to you about meeting Amelia. I know you don't have much family and I didn't have much family growing up either, so...I'd like for that to change for Amelia. Just so she knows that she'll always have someone to turn to."

Elizabeth: "That sounds reasonable."

Dorothy: "Great" she breathes in relief "It's just ever since I told David about her he's been so excited about having a grandchild. And Cole...he can't wait to meet her."

Elizabeth: "He's not gonna meet her."

Dorothy: "I'm sorry?"

Elizabeth: "You and your husband wanna meet Lia, that's fine. But I'll be damned if my daughter goes to a prison. Especially to meet that son of a bitch." she scoffs, making an offended look come over Dorothy's face

Dorothy: "He's her father, Elizabeth."

Elizabeth: "No, he's the jackass that gave me his sperm to make her. Other than that he plays no role in her life. It's already bad enough they share the same DNA."

Dorothy: "Let's just...table this for later. Maybe once you've gotten comfortable with Amelia around us you'll change your mind."

Elizabeth: "I won't" she assures, shaking her head "And if you and your husband are gonna be adamant about this then we should end this now."

Dorothy: "Excuse me?"

Elizabeth: "My daughter will never meet your son. And if you cannot agree to that then you will not be meeting her as well" she declares, looking down at her phone when it begins going off "Thank you for the coffee. You have my number. Let me know what you decide." she nods, walking off as Dorothy sighs

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