Ruby Slippers

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(No, I totally didn't get anything from once upon a time- meaning I totally did)

 (No, I totally didn't get anything from once upon a time- meaning I totally did)

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Word count: 1505

You were a miracle, literally. You only existed thanks to magic, genie magic. It was a long story but you were the biological daughter of Dorothy Gale and Little Red Riding Hood.

The thing was you were also a werewolf. The big bad wolf in your mom's story was your mom.

The necklace prevented you from turning during wolf time, just like how your mother's red hood did for her.

Very few people knew outside your family. Only Snow White and Mulan knew.

You were running late to Jane's party. You couldn't get any directions. For some reason the signal was out. You were lost in the woods. Until you came across a beast wearing Ben's clothes.

"Ben? Oh god, this is hilarious" you laughed.

Ben roared at you and you understood what he saying.

"Sorry, you're right. Not funny"

Ben growled and you understood again what he said.

"Oh, you're hurt. Just calm down. I'll take care of it"

He didn't scare you at all. You counted to three to take out the thorne but you took it out on two.

The noise brought over Jane with her squirt gun full of enchanted lake water which turned Ben back into himself.

You said, "Oh thank god. Does anyone have any idea where we are? I may have gotten a little lost"

"I figured as much" remarked Jane.

You heard Carlos' voice, "Dude!"

The dog jumped into your arms. Before Carlos came, you were the one who took care of him.

The group of boys soon followed. Carlos, Jay, and two you didn't recognize. They were clearly from the isle, based on the way they dressed. 

Jay asked, "Why is Ben wet?"

One of the guys introduced himself, "Well well well, Harry Hook. And who might you be, gorgeous?"

You smiled, "Y/n Gale"

"You got lost on your way to Jane's party didn't you?" asked Carlos.


—————- Le time skip ——————-
After the barrier was taken down, more VK's starting attending Auradon Prep. Including but not limited to Uma, Gil, Harry, CJ, and Zeevon.

Unfortunately, crime also went up in Auradon.

Your pendant that protected you from the full moon got stolen and you freaked as it was the last night of the full moon.

You asked, "Moms, what am I going to do?"

Little red mom responded, "Granny. Her house in the woods has an old cellar"

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