West 3

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The thought of Hades being your father never would have occurred to you before today.

After realizing your mom had left you for Oz, all you wanted to do was go back home. But that wasn't really an option for you. You didn't have any magic slippers and you had no idea of how to summon a magic realm hopping twister.

Zelena saw her ex, "Hades"

Hades frowned, "Zelena"

Mal said, "Glinda?"

The good witch of the south smiled, "Mal. What brings you , your friends, and your father here to Oz?"

Uma answered and pointed to your mom, "Her"

"Me?" questioned Zelena.

Hades said, "Your daughter thought something had happened to you. Or should I say our daughter?"

Zelena was hoping Hades hadn't put that together but she was wrong.

Mal reacted, "Wait what?"

Zelena said, "Maybe I should have said something or left a note but it was a last minute trip. I was planning on going to come back for Y/n, I swear. I just had a few things I needed to straighten out. I want the west of Oz back and I want to share it with my daughter. You haven't been a father to her so she's just my daughter"

Hades snared at the wicked witch, "You didn't let me"

You knew you would have to go back and face her. You couldn't stay on the side of the road with Harry in the emerald city forever.

Thanks to Harry, you pulled yourself together and found the strength to go back.

You let him know it was okay for him to go off on your mom for leaving.

You remarked, "You just decided to take a spur of the moment trip to Oz and didn't tell me?"

Your mom told you, "Y/n, I want us to rule the west of Oz together. I should have told you but I wanted it to be a surprise. I wasn't thinking. I should have told you I was leaving so you didn't worry"

The idea of ruling the west of Oz with your mom sounded so crazy to you. It wasn't what you wanted or ever thought about.

You told her, "I don't want to rule the west. I don't even want to be in Oz. My life is fine just the way it is. It's great, actually. I have the world's best boyfriend, friends I care about and trust, powerful magic, a home I like, but I thought I had a great mom who would never leave"

Your mom said, "You do"

Harry stepped in, "You're not listening to 'er. You left because you want to rule the west of Oz. It doesn't matter to 'er that it was only for a short time or that you want to rule with her. What matters is that you left"

Your mom smirked, "I will not be scolded about my daughter by Captain Hook junior"

Under different circumstances, Harry would have found being called Captain Hook junior a compliment but he could see that she was using it as an insult.

Uma had to defend her first mate, "Harry's more than just the son of Hook. He's loyal, caring, and he loves your daughter. That is very clear even though I wish it wasn't"

You and Harry did love your PDA even though everyone else despised it which made you love it even more.

Zelena asked, "Why do these children think they can speak to me?"

Glinda spoke up, "Zelena. It's clear you and your daughter want different things. I think you two need to sort that first"

You were fairly sure that was going to take a long while. Everyone gave you and your mother the room. You let Harry know it was okay.

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