Chapter 13

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"Mommy can we stay with daddy like we used to?!" Carter asked excitedly

"I don't know baby. I'll make sure you guys spend plenty of time together ok?" I smiled at him through the mirror.

We were on our way to Messiah's place for a few months until this trouble blows over. Luckily, I enrolled the kids in homeschool so they won't miss out on their education. Lay and Camilla slept the whole way, but Carter wanted to stay up and talk my head off.

I took Camilla in my arms and got Carter out of the car and went to the door. After 2 minutes of hard knocking I gave up and went back to the car to find Alaya waking up

"Ma are we at daddy's yet," she yawned out

"Yea but he's not here. We're gonna go to a hotel ok?" She nodded and I started the car. We headed to one of my dad's hotel and got settled in the master suite. Carter is finally out of it, thank God.

I rolled my eyes at the missed calls and texts from Kelly and I took the opportunity to call my dad and mom.

"Hey ma,"

"Hey sweetie, are you here yet?" She answered the phone excitedly

"Yes. Messiah didn't even answer the fucking door. I came to the hotel," I rolled my eyes

"Watch your mouth I know my grandkids are around,"

"They're asleep ma. Let me call you back, Messiah's calling," I said in an aggravated tone

"Okay, bring them by. I know you'll need a babysitter,"

"Yes ma'am," I clicked over to Messiah's call, "what you want?"

"Man where are you? I been waiting for an hour,"

"I was knocking on your door for an hour," I spat

"Look something came up.. I don't know why you didn't keep the key I gave you," he said with an attitude.

"I don't wanna interrupt anything else," I said referring to the day I found him and Tara about to get it on in my living room.

"Whatever. Just bring my kids over so they can see Maliah."

"They're going to my mom's Messiah. She's gonna babysit while I save your ass," I rolled my eyes.

"Open the door girl," he hung up. I stomped all the way to the door and swung it open with an attitude

"I miss you boo," he smiled showing his grills. I tried so hard not to smile, but to no avail

"I fucking hate you," I mumbled as he pulled me into a hug. I tried to back away after a moment but he wouldn't let me go, "Messiah I can't breathe," I chocked out

"I'm sorry," he pulled back, "your eyes look brighter too," he flicked my chin and walked in past me into the bedroom where the kids were. "They growing up," he said kissing Carter's head

"Yea I know," I stood in the doorway playing with my nails. I need a new set ASAP.

"Have my baby again," Messiah said playing with Camilla's curly Afro.

"Yea right. That was the worst pain I've ever experienced," I chucked sitting on the edge of the bed beside him.

"I'm serious girl," he nudged me smiling. I sighed.

Messiah and I act like we never separated and I didn't move thousands of miles away. I know I can't even trust his ass, but he gone be my baby regardless.

"Stop thinking about me," he teased

"I'm not," I laid my head on his shoulder and let sleep take over.

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