Chapter 23

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"Hello," I sang answering Asia's call

"Hey cousin, just called to let you know I'll be boarding the plane in a half an hour or so. What you up to?"

"Nothing, just left the park with the kids. They tired themselves out thank God,"

"That's great. I can't wait to see you guys!" She exclaimed. I can't wait until she gets here either. Besides my mom, I have no female friends. Shay and I have been bonding, but Naomi was my best friend and look what happened with that situation.

"I can't wait to see you either boo. I have a huge surprise," I said rubbing my 7 month belly, "Let me call you back, Messiah's calling," I said and switched over, "Hey baby,"

"Where you at?" He said not even greeting me

"I just left the park with the kids. Where you at?" I asked in the same tone he asked me

"I'm home waiting on you guys. How's my baby,"

"It's fine & Where were you this morning when we got up?" I asked with an attitude

"Let's talk about that when you get here." He hung up in my face. I gave a stank face to the phone and threw the phone in the cup holder.

I pulled into the driveway and let Messiah get the kids out considering I couldn't lift anything over 20 pounds. My doctor told me the baby is really healthy and I won't have any complications like with my last pregnancy. That was a relief.

"So guess what I did today," Messiah was excited about something

"What baby daddy?" I groaned. My feet were so swollen and I wanted to stuff my face, but he was bothering me.

"Come here," he helped me up from the chair and led me up the stairs. I really still love this house, but if we ever got back together we'd have to move into my place because there's no telling what he and Aubrey do while the kids, including Harlem and Maliah, are gone.

"Close your eyes," he demanded. I did as told, not wanting to argue with him. We took a few more steps and he told me to open them. I mouth fell wide open

"Messiah this is beautiful," I covered my mouth with my hands

"I been working on it for a about a month now. I want my boy to have everything," he cheesed looking at the ultrasound picture we had blown up when we found out the gender

"You really miss him huh," I went and stood by him at the crib.

"Yea, but I know he's in there," he thumped my stomach making the baby go crazy. It even tickled a little. I put Messiah's hand there and let him feel. He got on his knees and started talking to MJ. He got even more excited and it felt like he was dancing inside me.

"Why you crying?" He asked getting up from in front of me

"I don't know," I shrugged going to the bathroom. The baby danced on my bladder a little too hard. I finished and fixed my makeup that had smeared a little. Messiah was standing by the door waiting for me.

"I wanna talk to you about something," I nodded, "let's go in my office," he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his office. I had on his couch while he sat at my feet massaging them


"I really like Aubrey, I may even love her. But honestly, that girl can't cook nor clean. I can't do shit for her being on my back about another bitch, or even you. She's so insecure man,"

"Are you just making excuses for not committing to her? Aubrey can cook because she cooked dinner last Sunday, and I'd be insecure if I was the side hoe at one point to," I said putting my head back.

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