Chapter 22

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"So have you talked to him?" My dad was questioning me about Messiah while I did Alaya's hair. Her birthday is in a few hours. My baby girl is about to be 14.

"No dad. Mama come get your husband," I whined. He's been on my case about Messiah for 3 months. He and I have had no contact whatsoever. He talks to the kids everyday, but I refuse to talk to him.

"Girl just hear him out," she walked in the room handing Alaya a one hundred dollar bill.

"Thanks nana," she hugged her

"You're welcome baby. Back to you, can you just talk to your boo? You know he misses you," I made sure Lay was out of the room before I replied

"You would've stayed with dad if he cheated on you with 8 different women? And those are just the ones I know about," I spat. I took a deep breath, "Im sorry ma. I didn't mean it like that,"

"It's ok sweetie you're just hurting," she patted my hand as I sat at my vanity

"All he does is drunk ma. I smell it on his breath everyday when he comes to take the kids to school. I can't even handle cases at the office because he's calling nonstop. I don't know what to do anymore," I put my head in my hands trying to hold back tears

"Just let him know you ain't kidding this time," I heard Ky's voice from behind him, "he needs yall sis. If he doesn't have you in his life, I think my bro will go crazy. True, he fucked up a lot and he doesn't deserve you. I'm on your side, but you're in love with him. And I can tell he'd give you the world if your dad didn't already give it to you,"

"Ky I can't go back. I'm going to look so stupid," I cried into my brothers arms.

"Then don't, but be cordial for the kids. I can't take my boy being how he is. Nigga always crashing on my couch so he won't be lonely. Harm asked did he move in," he said making me laugh a little.

"I think it's time I move on,"


10 , 14

6 months later

"I'm off to school mom!" Alaya yelled up the stairs where I was getting the kids ready for school.

"Not before you hug me," I waddled down the stairs. She came and hugged me and kissed my cheek before walking out of the door to her father's truck.

"Mom, Carter is dressed." Camilla said helping me up the steps, or so she thought, "when is the baby going to get here?"

"In three more months baby. Are you excited?"

"Yes!" She fist pumped running into her room. We decided to keep the baby's identity a secret from everyone, but Messiah and I knew we were having another MJ.

"Are we gonna stay with dad when the baby gets here?" Carter asked coming into my room.

"No baby, Ms. Aubrey stays with daddy now," I sighed

Yes, Aubrey. I don't know what the hell is wrong with Messiah. He has yet to realize Aubrey is playing the hell out of him. He thinks just because she's going back to school to get a degree and stopped stripping that she changed. But if he likes it, I love it. I still talk to Messiah like nothing happened, we still say I love you when we get off the phone, and we even had sex a few times at the beginning of my pregnancy.

I wanted to move on, but let's all be honest: I could never leave this man alone. When I left Hawaii I spent the rest of the weekend clearing my head and forgiving. I put it behind me, for me because I didn't give a fuck about Messiah at that point. I finally heard him out after him calling me almost 100 times. We decided to be friends for the kids sake, but how can you be friends with someone you're in love with? Impossible

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