Last Night

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*Note* I had to rewrite this chapter because it was deleted when I saw some of my chapters were out of order. It will be a little different for those who read before I made changes. Thank you for your patience and I hope you all like it.

New Years Evil has arrived and it's a bittersweet day. It's Mari's last day in NXT Caribbean she prepped for this and is ready to start the next chapter of her career. At the moment she is sitting watching the men's tag match when Luis walks up to her.

"Hola Mariposa. ¿Como estas"? (Hi Mariposa. How are you?) He asks giving her a sad smile.

"Tan bueno como puedo estar, listo para arrancarme la tirita". (Good as I can be, ready to rip the bandaid off.)

"Bueno, déjame decirte que ha sido un absoluto placer trabajar contigo y estoy muy contento de poder llamarte amigo". ( Well let me just say it has been an absolute pleasure working with you and I am so glad I can call you a friend.) He says giving her a hug, she pulls away, looking up and shaking her head.

"No, no, no, no te pongas sentimental conmigo, este ya es un día difícil". (Nope, nope, nope don't get sentimental on me, this is an already tough day.) They laugh and continue to chat for a little. When it's almost time for her match she leaves to get dressed. Just as she finishes lacing up her boots, her phone rings.

"Hi Khabib".

"Hi butterfly, how are you feeling"?

"The usual emotions sadness, happiness, excitement. This has been my home for years it's where I met my sisters and made family, it's going to be weird to not see or be with them everyday".

"I know, but think about this way you will have more opportunities and knew opponents to face".

"Yeah that's half of the excitement part I want to wrestle the four horse women and I'll get to work with Asuka again".

"See, there is good parts of you going up. Does Camila know she's winning the title"?

"No. All she knows is we are going for twenty minutes and that the ref will give us the one minute signal".

Knock, Knock, Knock

"I have to go but maybe I'll talk to you tonight, if not, the morning".

"Okay I'll be watching bye butterfly". She bids him a goodbye before taking a drink of water and leaving out, heading to the guerilla. Camila there waiting for her cue to go out.

"¿Estás listo para derribar la casa"? (You ready to tear the house down?)

"Sabes quién soy". (You know I am)

"Bienvenidos a todos, es hora de nuestro evento principal, la lucha por el Campeonato Femenino del Caribe de NXT entre las compañeras de cuadra Camila y Mariposa". (Welcome back everyone its time for our main event the NXT Caribbean Womens Championship match between stablemates Camila and Mariposa.)

"Este va a ser uno para los libros de historia y estamos de enhorabuena. Estas dos mujeres entrenan juntas, luchan juntas, se conocen como la palma de sus manos". (This is going to be one for the history books and we are in for a treat. These two women train together, wrestle together, they know each other like the back of their hands.)

Mari's music hits and the crowd cheers with excitement and an unexplainable emotion, as if they knew it was her last match too. She stands at the top of the ramp looking out at the fans taking it in before finally making her way down to the ring. She steps in and stands on one side of the ropes as she soaks in the cheers of the fans, not knowing when the next time she'll experience this again.

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