19. indoor terrarium

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Gun was currently sitting completely lost in his thoughts, his eyes stuck on a single point on the floor yet his focus was somewhere completely different.

"What happened?" Gun looked up slightly getting out of his daze,

"What?" Gun asked.

"What happened Gun? You look really lost... Are you worried about something?" Tay asked taking a seat beside the smaller.

Gun shook his head no, not really wanting to get into the details of his current dilemma.

"It's nothing like that phi... I just lost in a random thought. Ah anyways what did the nurse say?" Gun asked flashing a sweet smile towards his phi making Tay smile back.

"Oh she said that it'll be another ten minutes they're still working on your report" Tay said and Gun nodded.

Gun suddenly felt the need to groan as he put his face in his palms slumping down .

"Gun what happened? You're worrying me" Tay asked concerned.

"Your idiot friend happened Phi I was doing just fine getting repulsed by those awful smelling beings but then your friend appears and here I am trying to figure out whats going on!" Gun cried and  Tay nodded along calmly patting Gun's back.

"You're frustrated I understand Gun... But hey today the doctor will give you medicines or something to keep it under control na so cheer up it'll all be good" Tay said making Gun pout.

"Are you sure phi?" Gun asked looking up and Tay nodded.

"I am nong"



I thought you said he'd give me something to keep it under control. What the fuck phi?"

"I- I don't know Gu~"


"Tay? Nong Gun?!? What are you two doing here?" The shocked man asked as he opened his door.

"We need your help Off" Tay replied while Gun felt all awkward his eyes rooted to the ground as he wanted the ground to just swallow him whole.

"My? Help? Uh sure come in" Off said opening the door wider as he held it open for the two guests to enter,

"Why don't you two sit on the couch I'll grab water" off said once both had entered his pent house,

"Sure" Tay replied making Off nod as he walked away.

Gun finally looked up from the ground his eyes immediately growing big seeing the pent house from the inside.

A rustic looking room with huge panels of windows looking out the skyline A set of stairs running up making Gun look at the rather spacious yet cosy room.

A rustic looking room with huge panels of windows looking out the skyline A set of stairs running up making Gun look at the rather spacious yet cosy room

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