30. Better Late than never.

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The chimes on the cafe doors rung making the owner stand up straight, put a charming smile on his face and welcome his guest;

"Welcome-- GUN!! what brings you here" the taller rushed to the cafe entrance and immediately wrapped his arms around the smaller. 

"Phi Tay! I missed you too!" Gun chimed.

"NONG MAY you're in charge for the time being! Come let's sit there" Tay said as he pulled Gun towards one of the empty seats. 

It's been a while since Gun's last induced heat, he decided against telling Tay about the whole ordeal as it would have only caused more concern and worry. 

It has also been a while since Gun started to notice and learn about the boundary both he and Off had set with one another, he understood them but at the same time hated them because since the last incident Off had started being really aloof and kept an unnecessarily huge distance between the two. 

"I haven't seen you in so long you look good Gun," Tay said flashing a big smile which Gun reverted back.

"I mean I've been stuck inside with any and all amenities I could ask for, of course, I look good " Gun replied in a sassy tone making Tay laugh. 

"I see Off's cockiness is rubbing off on you too... oh wait you were always sassy never mind," Tay said laughing making Gun chuckle back. 

"Uhm... speaking of phi... " Gun muttered a little awkwardly,

"What happened Gun? did something happen?"Tay asked concerned making Gun frantically wave his hands in front of him.

"No no its just... uhm... I've been there for a bit and I feel like a bit of a burden... I mean I work from home but that's it, phi Off doesn't let me do any of the chores" Gun pouted. 

"Gun... why are you so cute, you aren't there to do his housework. Plus you should focus on yourself, speaking of how is all that? are you able to control your hormones?" Tay asked. 

I wouldn't know since Off refuses to even be close enough that I could smell his pheromones, Gun thought. 

"I'm not sure... it's complicated" Gun replied disregarding his inner monologue, 


"Forget that phi! I'm here for something else, I wanna ask you something!"


"Uhm... a few things, to start well... when is Phi Off's birthday?" Gun asked and Tay gave an awkward smile. 

"What?"Gun asked.

"His birthday passed already"


"Like a week ago, "Tay said cautiously 

"What the hell! why didn't you tell me??"

"Because... he asked me not to" Tay replied muttering the last part,

"What did you say?"

"He asked me not to tell you" Tay sighed looking away. 

"Out of all the times to be a good friend you decided this was it?"

"Gun come on, he said that he didn't want you to feel pressured to do something... plus apparently he had other plans-- "

"Wait was it on 20th?" Gun asked, slightly confused and concerned. 

"Yeah why? did something happen?"

"No... its nothing... " Gun replied, Tay imideately feeling the shift in the mood and behaviour of the other. 

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