Eternally snow and seafoam

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Welcome to the season finale 😻😊

Plot:A mysterious idol comes into town and King Deedee tries to sabotage Esmeralda's big day.

Big news came into cappytown, an Idol was staying at the Duchess's castle.

Tiff and Tuff ran down the castle hallway that led towards the singer's room. Tiff knocked on the door, ""

Tiff opened the door and went in, She walked over to where the idol was. The idol was sitting on at a nearby vanity, the Idol looked like a 16 years old and had long slivery magenta hair and dark pink eyes with gold speckles on them along the rims of the Iris.

Tiff: Hi I'm Tiff and this is my brother Tuff.

Tuff: Nice to meet you

"Is it true you're that you're gonna be singing for Duchess?" Tiff asked, The idol nodded. Tuff soon noticed a star shaped necklace and reached for it, "Hey what's this?'

The idol grabbed the necklace before Tuff could reach in, holding it close. They shook their head no, "Sorry" Tuff answered. "What's you name?" Tiff answered trying to change the subject, The Idol though for a moment before writing it down:

Belle. She wrote, "Well Belle let me and Tuff show you around" Tiff said Belle excited nodded, Tiff, Tuff, along with Belle left

Meanwhile at King Dee Dee's castle Escargoon was walking up to King Deedee room with a plate of food in hand. He knocked on the door.

Escargoon: Your Majesty, Breakfast!....Your Majesty?

When no one answered he opened the door to find the king missing. Getting worried Escargoon started looking around the room, the King was no where in sight. A feeling of dread soon took over, when he finally searched the king's desk Escargoon looked through every nook and cranny until the found a hidden compartment hiding the King's diary.

Despite King DeeDee's unintelligible handwriting Escargoon was able to read what he wrote. It was a list of ideas and plans for destroying Esmeralda coronation!

On the next page there was a time written. Escargoon quickly left to warn Tiff.


Sir Ebrum and Ladylike walked with Duchess Esmeralda through the garden maze (each hedge had roses decorating them) , "In the Center Belle will be singing after I'm crowned queen" Esmeralda stated. Both parents nodded.

Esmeralda: The coronation will take place inside the castle. I want everyone Gold, white, and lavender. Also everyone must come at 6:00pm Sharp!

Tiff and Tuff's parents made sure to write everything down so they'd remember to have everything set. "And I want this done by Tomorrow!" Esmeralda said surprising both Ladylike and Sir Ebrum.

Ladylike: By Tomorrow?

Sir Ebrum: Are you Joking?

Esmeralda: No! With threats of King Deedee hanging in the air, It's better to get this done quickly!

The couple looked at each other with uncertainty, "But that doesn't mean it can't be fancy!" Esmeralda countined ignoring the worried looks Ladylike and Sir Ebrum had. With that Esmeralda countined chatting about the planning and decorations giving the couple no choice but to follow.

Later that night Blade knight was standing nearby the Door watching "Esmeralda" putting on some make up.

Blade knight: Are you sure this plan will work? If the king finds out-

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