Stormy night with a sliver lining

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A sort of bittersweet chapter

A thunder storm had come to Cappytown everyone was inside except for Kirby.

Kirby was at the library, he was trying to research old legends and spells for a project.
Finding nothing he decided to go home, Kirby cleaned up then left for the night.

Kirby stood outside seeing how hard it was raining began to worry, bracing himself for the worse he stepped out from the staircase patio only to be blown far away deep into the woods

Over at the castle the King and Escargoon who looked through their bincolorlars and saw the events play out chuckled.

Escargoon: It was a great idea for you to buy that storm maker your majesty.

King Deedee: Heh, Heh! Hopefully this storm blows that pink problem away.

Both of them laughed not noticing two knights listening to the conversation as soon as they learned what happened they rushed to Meta Knight's room to tell him, Once at the door they were about to barge in when...

許你生生世世 無絕期的愛 (Let your love live forever)

Always and forever

In this heart of mine

Both Sword Knight and Blade knight froze, Sword knight quietly and slowly pushed the door open to reveal Meta knight sitting on his bed, softly singing with a photo in his hand.

Despite his voice being loud enough to hear at first The knights couldn't understand the first part of the lyrics. Meta knight began to hum the second part when they decided to barge in.

Sword knight: Meta knight! The King had gotten a storm maker to use on Kirby!

Blade knight: What should we do?

Meta knight snapped out of his thoughts, he silently got up. "I'll go get him, you two destroy that weather machine." Meta knight said in an almost panicked tone soon leaving.

Without thinking Meta knight jumped from the balcony and left, Flying through the air was tricky but Meta knight managed to make it through and land in whispy woods.

"KIRBY!" Meta knight shouted throughout the forest looking for them. Meta Knight's mask helped their eyes not come in contact with the rain.

"Poyo!" Kirby's cried out, Meta knight ran in the direction of Kirby's voice. He found them hiding under a nearby tree. Meta knight ran underneath and took the pink puff ball's hand to lead him away but they refused.

"Kirby come on it's too dangerous" Meta knight said softly, Kirby shook their head no and Meta knight noticed then shaking. Meta knight placed a hand in Kirby's cheek,"I won't let anything happen to you." Meta Knight said gently, putting his dark cloak over Kirby. "I promise." Meta knight stated.

Both of them slowly moved through the forest with the sound of heavy rain for comfort. Stopping at a small clearing the rain seemed to be lighter somehow, Kirby noticed that Meta knight was distracted due to him not taking back his cloak.

Not that he was complaining...

Glancing over to Meta knight who was looking at the almost clear night sky, their eyes were a grass green.

"Poyo?" Kirby whispered. "Me and my Mentor used to come out on cloudless nights to look at the stars" Meta knight said.


A young Meta knight was sitting beside his mentor Galacta knight. Meta Knight was humming a small tune with Galacta knight nodding along while looking at the night sky.

"Meta, you have a nice voice" Galacta said cheerfully. The smaller puffball blushed.
"Thank you sir" Meta knight said. Galacta knight went back to looking at the sky.

"Meta did you ever wonder why there were so many stars in the night sky?" Galacta asked, the younger knight shook his head,

"Gawain said that is was because the moon cries due to being lonely, when the Sun saw them crying they cut themselves into mini pieces so the moon would always be apart of them" Meta knight answered

Galacta knight smiled, "I always thought the sun had placed the souls of decreased star warriors in every new star made so every now and then, future star warriors could look up to the night sky and see past warriors giving them hope and courage to keep fighting" Galacta knight said.

Meta Knight's eyes sparkled a light blue filled with joy and curiosity, Galacta knight brightly smiled.


"Please wait for me Meta..."

Meta knight snapped out of his flashback, "Before the war happened...Galacta knight told me that if we ever were to be split up or lost each other, to look up at the moon to help find our way back to each other." Meta knight whispered before turning to a curious Kirby.

Meta knight: Kirby I....


Sword knight and Blade looked around the weather machine trying to find a weak spot to destroy the machine.

Sword knight: See anything?

Blade: No, what about you?

"No,We might have to go with the other option" Sword knight admitted. Blade grinned taking out multiple sticks Dynamite.

No soon had Sword knight said that, they both shoved multiple sticks of dynamites into the machine once satisfied with the amount they added both rushed over to a nearby space that was guarded by a pile of bricks.

"FIRE IN THE HOLE!" Sword knight yelled, they pushed down on the lever connecting to the dynamite causing it to explode.

However, due to the use of too dynamite it also cause a huge whole in the wall. Both Sword and Blade knight stood there with their mouths wide open not expecting that to happen.

"What are we gonna do?" Blade knight exclaimed, "I don't know! Maybe we can cover it up!" Sword knight answered. Both rushed around the room to grab anything that could be of use.

A couple hours later the hole was patched up with a huge blanket (that may or may not have been the king's bedsheets).

Feeling satisfied both knights left to get a late night snack.


Thanks to the destruction of the weather machine the trip back to Cappytown was rather peaceful except for the fact the flight home was silent.

Once they landed nearby Kirby's home both didn't say anything to each other.

"Kirby I...the thing is.... Please forgive me" Meta knight finally said stumbling with his words. He couldn't face the young space warrior, Kirby for a second showed a sad expression before turning cheerful.

"Poyo!" Kirby said with a fake smile. Kirby rushed inside leaving a distraught Meta knight who walked back to the castle trying to figure out what Kirby meant

Back at the castle Meta Knight failed to notice Blade and Sword knight eating some sweets.

"What's wrong with him?" Blade night asked seeing their leader's troubled expression.

"Trouble in paradise" Sword knight explained.

Sorry for the late chapter, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time ☺️

Kirby: Moonlight dreams (Meta knight x kirby)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt