Night 4: star dance 2

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That night at the royal ball the king was searching for his bride.... he wasn't having much luck because of his pickyness

King Deedee: next... I said Next

Escagoon: That's all you're highness

King Deedee: WHAT that's all

Escagoon: Afraid so you magetsy 

King deedee: What girl in their right mind wouldn't wanna marry a rich handsome king like your's true.   

Escagoon: *thinking* yeah right and i'm the king of of nightmare enter prices

Presenting Princess stella of the kingdom of stars boomed the speaker everyone turned to look to see a beautiful woman standing at the entrace her eyes were an ocean blue they looked innocent but they seemed like they hold the secret of the universe, she wore a long pale pink off the shouder dress that went to her feet a yellow star was at the middle of her dress the front part of her long dark pink hair was pulled into a short ponytail with a star pin with 3 ribbions for a trail that makes it look like a shooting star, the rest of her hair was down.      

King deedee: She's perfect

Escagoon: what? your magesty  how do you even know she came for you i mean come one she could come for someone else. 

But because of the king's ignornce, stubborness ( and BIG ego) he didn't listen to escagoon's theroy and ran up to the mystery girl, pushing and shoving his way thought the crowed of sutiors who also wanted dance with her.

Sword knight: Wow this princess sure is popular

Blade knight: Well who wouldn't be smitten with her i mean look at her she's...well beautiful  

Sword knight: Look king deedee is trying soo hard to wool her,  he'll fail in 10 mintues   

Blade knight: I'll take that bet

Sword knight: Okay so it's settled if king deedee fails in ten mintues i'll win and if he fails in 5 then you win.

Blade knight: Alright...but what does the winner gets?

Sword knight: He get to take anything he wants from the kings treasure room.

Blade knight: And the loser?

Sword knight: has to tell the king that he's fat, ugly,and is a spoiled brat

As the agreed on the deal the watched from afar to how king deedee doing with wooling his new "bride", then watlz started and everyone started dancing.

 King deedee: May i have this dance

stella:  *nods*

it turns out the king's a TERRIBLE dance, sure escargoon did give the king dancing lessons but due to his short attention span he gave up on it, he kept swinging her around and bumping into the dancers it was like watching the pinball in the pinball  machine  hitting the targets. Almost everyone was ether pushed off  or went far away from the two, everyone wanted to stop the king before he made the poor girl sick. May i cut in?  

king deedee stopped and turned to the voice to see a handsome young man with silver eyes and navy blue hair that was held in a ponytail standing in front of them, he wore a black tuxedo with a dark purple cape that had tiny bits of silver spread around it that made it look like the night sky. The king was about to object to the man's offer but before he spoke the princess took the man hand and left the king in shock.

Sword knight: well looks like we both lost

Blade knight:  yes looks like we both have to tell the king about his flaws

Sword knight: let's hope the doctor has enough bandages for the both of us

everyone watched as the mysterious man glided the princess across the room watching in aware of how graceful they were together, all agreed that they made the perfect pair, for the dancing couple it felt like they where the only people there. King deedee was jealous that another man had stolen the "girl of his dreams" away him. He then got an idea, he slipped away from the crowed meanwhile the two dancers had also slipped away from the crowd and into the garden from there they chatted about their lifestyle even so the blue stranger  felt like something was off about her but he didn't ask, for now he just enjoyed her company.

They both sat down in a clearing  where they could see the starry night sky, the handsome stranger watched princess make a flower crowns he blushed when he realized that he was staring at her and turned his head away from her till she came up to him and put a flower crowns on his head.

The blue stranger's POV:
I smiled softly when she put the crown on my head I wanted to give her something special in return but what?.... I smirked when I had gotten it, I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close.

The blue stranger kissed stella, at first she was shocked at first,but she melted into it.


Stella pulled away from the blue stranger and ran off, the blue  stranger followed her. When he got to the entrance he saw a monster battling a pink blur he couldn't make out the blur but it looked like it was winning


Tiff : come on tuff we have to find kirby

Tuff: why is that sis

Tiff POV:
Don't you remember what kuba said. Uhhh he said, I growled kuba clearly stated that  kirby would need to get home before midnight when the clock hits at it's last the 12 strike. Ohhh my brother said, and not to mention we need to fight the giant rat monster outside, I was about to continue when I heard king Deedee


Tiff: oh no

Tiff and tuff ran to the staircase to find the monster lying on the ground dead, king Deedee let out a huge yell so loud that was followed by a huge tantrum that everyone heard and ran outside to see the problem tiff explained everything to the citizens and everyone then went back inside to continue the party later that evening before everyone left escagoon explained that king Deedee wanted to win back the princess by saving her from a monster while getting rid of the blue stranger in the process. Sword and blade knight told the king that he is a spoiled brat....while he was sleeping and everyone agreed that even though the king had almost ruined the ball it was a lovely party

A'll right hope you enjoy this chapter now here's a bonus chapter

Meta knight walked down the grand staircase to look  at the night sky till something shiny caught the corner of his eye, it was princess stella's star pin, meta knight smiled and put it in his pocket and continued to look at the moon unknowingly to him kirby was looking at the same time smiling.

Okay hope you enjoyed part 2 and let me know in the comments who you think stella and the blue stranger where bye and seeya next time

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