A new friend..... or crush

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???:are you sure you want this, because after you do you won't be able to go back to the way things where

Kine: yes I know

???: now I won't give this to you for free I will need some sort of payment

Kine: I don't have much

???: I'm not asking much just for the most precious thing that you love

The fish paused for a moment

???: what about your fish form

Kine: b but I need that to swim

???: don't worry my fishy friend since you caught me at a good time I'll give you the ability to breathe underwater


???: is it a deal

Kine: *sighs* it's a deal

The young witch took a small bottle from her cabinet and dipped it into her cauldron

???: alright drink this once you reach the surface

Kine took the bottle and started to swim away

???: oh and kine once you turn human a necklace will be wrapped around your neck in the shape of a clam what ever you do DON'T take it off and don't tell anyone who you are,it holds the magic to your form. Understand ?

Kine nodded and took off reaching the surface at sunset, he looked over cappietown then at the ocean with a sad but determined smile he drank the bottle making him dizzy and faint afterward.

A small crowd of waddle dees were standing over a young teen that was fast asleep on the beach after a vote they decided to bring him to the hospital, word had reach the town that there a new face that was getting treated at the doctor's when word had reach the king he was excited

King DeeDee:this is perfect I'd always wanted an air 

Escargoon: you'd never mentioned this before sire and doesn't it seem odd that this kid just showed up?

King deedee: well it's better than anything of those snot nosed brats

King Dee Dee ordered Escargoon to drive them to the doctor 's to met the new kid in town, once they got there king Dee Dee took a good look at the young teen. He had blue hair with a yellow bang that covered his right eye he wore a white t shirt that was ripped at the bottom and brown shorts, the king wasn't interested until he saw the golden clam wrapped around the young boy's neck 

 "Ha, this proves he's royalty" the king said proudly , Escargoon just sighed at the king's stupidity and got ready the adoption papers. When news spread about the kings new son none could believe it (be honest would any of you believe that the king had a son ? Or that he could get married,not saying he has any bad qualities....okay so  he does have them but no one's that heartless) soon gossip spread about the king some said he took the teenager from another planet others say that they're from nightmare enterprises.

The king wanted to make sure that his new son was just as smart and intelligent as he is, so he had Escagoon tutor the teen he gave him the name Deedee jr. But Deedee was not happy with how his son turn out to be the complete opposite of him so he just left him alone with nobody but the waddle dees and Escagoon, surprisingly escagoon taught Deedee jr well in English,the arts, and many other things he was only called Deedee jr by king D himself when mad but mainly he was called by his middle name robin or snow robin

Don't question the snow part....just please don't,I would like to explain it but I would to keep Robin's identity a secret. Plus it will kinda remind you of snow white.

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