Revenge is the color of red

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Plot:Heartbroken and furious with King Deedee Tiff tries to get revenge on him

Everything seemed wrong in cappytown, First there was the trial of King Deedee comming up, Second Kirby was still missing which left the town to fend for themselves.

However the most who where effectived was Tiff's family and Meta knight. Tiff was extremely angry and spend her time at the library while Meta knight stayed locked in his room. Tuff and his Parents tried to reach out but to no avail.

Later during a rainy night Tiff snuck into library wanting to find a punishment to fit the King, knowing King Deedee would try to find a way to wiggle out of any punishment given Tiff took matters into her own hands

Looking through one of the book shelf,  Tiff's eyes caught sight of an old purple book. Grabbing it she sat down at a nearby table and flipped through it.

Soon realizing it was a diary. Tiff felt guilty reading through it but her guilt soon came to a halt when the book started talking about A pair of red shoes, A map was written on the back of the page leading towards the buried object.

Tiff quickly left, making sure to get a shovel and dashed towards the location of the object. The shoes were buried deep in whispy woods, it took an hour of locating and digging however Tiff managed to find a dark wooden box with sliver vines painted on.

The box look new despite being buried for a long time. Tiff lifted the box out of the hole and opened it.

Inside was a pair of beautiful white red ballet shoes with matching lace and a gem in the center of each shoe. The shoes seemed to glow. Tiff smiled bust was worried that the shoes wouldn't fit Deedee, but Tiff though she should at least try.

Just like Tiff predicted when the trial happened the next day King Deedee tried to weasel his way out of the punishment.

Luckily for King Deedee, He was only let off with a small punishment which was to hand over his Nightmare Enterprises Catalog. Tiff was quietly fuming which was strange according to her family.

Tiff made sure to hand over the box to a waddle dee when no one was looking.

Tiff: Make sure to give this to King Deedee.

The Waddle dee nodded and left.


The King was sitting in his throne room eating chips, upset that his only shopping option was gone. A Waddle Dee soon walked in carrying a wooden box, The King stood straight up curious about what it was.

There was a sticky note on top with the words:

For King Deedee

Written on there, King Deedee grabbed the box. With an excited grin he opened the box to find a pair of Ruby shoes with golden lace and an emerald on the center of each shoe, King Deedee tried them on and surprisingly they were a perfect fit.

Escargoon soon walked in and saw the King was dancing around the room. "What's got you in a happy mood?"

King Deedee: These new dancing shoes put a pep in my step!

Escagroon raised an eyebrow, seeing how tight fitting the shoes were. The shoes seemed to glow.

Escagroon: Your majesty don't you think something's wrong with the shoes 

King Deedee: Hmm, you're Right

Escagroon beamed when the King said that.

King Deedee: I need an outfit to go with these shoes!

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